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mardi 20 décembre 2016

Statues of strange and scary forms will wonder about its goal

Statues found in public places around the world, but the goal of which mysteriously

Statues of strange and scary forms will wonder about its goal
Statues of strange and scary forms will wonder about its goal

Intentionally many countries on the deployment of the statues in the squares and public places, and some of these statues have a clear and obvious idea and do not need to guess if a statue of a person reads shall aim is to encourage reading, for example, may be a statue of a soldier carrying a weapon or note shall be a statue nationally broadcast spirit the national people. This is understandable examples we encounter almost every day, even in our country. But on the other side there are some statues that we do not know its meaning and is not a goal, not even the logic! Some of the strange statues monitoring in some countries and will be presented to you maybe you have a logical explanation to it.

1. This statue, which seems like a cup of coffee has spilled located in Venice, Italy. The idea of ​​this statue is vague but perhaps he understands a coffee lovers.

2. This statue does not find him any logic, which is a giant thumb is in Paris, France. Perhaps to commemorate the suffering of thumb with us.

3. I do not think it is appropriate to put a statue of a dog pees on your building This is an insult. After all, this statue is in the Museum of Art in California.

4. This house inverted incomprehensible idea but perhaps symbolizes the idea of change and impermanence, who knows! There is this strange building in Calgary, Canada.

5. This statue disgusting man who vomits from Mayara fountain located in London, England. I advise you not to look at it and you eat may befall you nauseous.

6. This statue Inverted also do not understand the idea. If moderate to Vsrnah example that perpetuate the memory of this person, but the statue has been placed in this form is strange I do not think that I have a convincing explanation for it. This statue is located in Australia.

7. Although this statue strange and mysterious to some extent, but I can guess that it symbolizes a person who works a lot and is surrounded by his work just the head, especially that this statue is located in Los Angeles, California.

8. It may be the making of this statue is a lover of ice cream in a manner to build a statue to him in full. This statue is located in Seattle, Washington.

9. The statue appears to be a person hinders another person. Maybe this statue symbolizes an attempt to obstruct the successful people or something like that. There is this statue in Brussels, Belgium.

10. This statue of a dog without the features found in Amsterdam and this reminds me of a dog small dogs with a moving head that is placed in the automotive plastics.

11. This statue seems scary I do not understand what is the wisdom behind it but it is certain that he is the author of knows what is the purpose of it. This statue is located in Hanover, Germany.

12. This statue is located in Brooklyn, New York shows crocodile devoured it seems small as a child, but when the audit will find a dollar sign at the head area. What does this statue symbolizes see ya!

Do you have a logical explanation for these strange statues ?!

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