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mardi 20 décembre 2016

Strange behaviors were seen on the roads and do not know a logical explanation

Persons violated security rules and road safety are can not overlook it

Strange behaviors were seen on the roads and do not know a logical explanation
Strange behaviors were seen on the roads and do not know a logical explanation

During Serna on the roads, especially highways are seeing is inconceivable, some cars are not roadworthy from the ground as well as on the go on the highways, and some transport vehicles to be loaded with loads of times higher than their size, and some of them go too fast, and many others. That's what we used to see on the highways, especially if the traffic laws are lax. But it's a little bit different this time, it has been a lot of strange and bizarre situations, which is difficult for us to interpret and subject to the logic and then analyzed monitoring. Show you pictures of these strange things that have been photographed on the roads, perhaps there is someone among you can explain these strange things.

1. How many times I've seen people walking on a legendary public roads and walks in peace and tranquility! Is Hollywood films become a reality and became humans and Alvdhaiaon friends ?!

2. It seems that this person has finally bought his wife a gift that will make you see women feel jealous. But the way you install this bear stuffed funny look as if they are torturing him!

3. We watched private cars and trucks we saw before, but we did not see a car that combines qualities as happened to this car. Surprised by the usefulness of this additive part of the foundation and how the authorities let him go in this way is guaranteed his safety.

4. These scooters look, which was suspended by these huge pipes as if they were rockets ready to invade the space. If the scooters are a means of transport for such a huge pipe size if why they invented the auto transport!

5. always dreamed we were young that we can walk home in which we live on the road and put it in anywhere we want. It seems that the owner of this house Simple decided to realize this dream and showed us how to transfer the houses on the roads.

6. It seems that this young man would suffer greatly for that connects the couch to the desired place in this strange way! I can not imagine how he could lead his bike and pulls the cart carrying the couch this oddly shaped!

7. I do not think that the owner of this car is intended to intimidate the marchers on the road behind him put these dolls frightening this oddly shaped. But there remains a question is not answered, which caused developed from the ground up!

8. I do not know if this was a joke or what, but you do not see such a thing going on the roads every day there is a real plane is not a normal car but it is clear that they are going on the road I do not know how!

9. The owner of the car told us what is the reason for the development of cartoons leaves the car in this way is a big relief to think of a logical reason. But as long as he would not tell us we do not have but to continue guessing.

10. I hope this is just a joke, no one is likely to see a skeleton driving a car. Perhaps the form is printed on the glass or there is a trick that since we're not in a movie about the zombies of Hollywood production.

Have you seen the strange position of such attitudes on the roads in your country?

See also:

10 signboards ridiculous play no purpose other than to laugh them

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