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jeudi 22 décembre 2016

10 positions strange and illogical that you need an explanation on the spot

Strange situations do not happen every day and we do not see them again

10 positions strange and illogical that you need an explanation on the spot
10 positions strange and illogical that you need an explanation on the spot

Often we encounter strange situations in our lives and wonder about the thing that exists behind these positions and we want to clarify the question and the fact that we saw the mysterious situation. From fixed objects and humans are known to have curiosity and hates ambiguity and ambiguous attitudes and restless human only after it knows the thing that lies behind each stance on this mysterious situations that pass by. We have put together for you from the Internet pictures of the positions of weird and wonderful and mysterious no logical explanation have but what you could do is to unleash your imagination in order to try to find a logical and reasonable explanation for these strange images that really need to think outside the box to speculate about the cause of the positions that I took it.

1. there is something wrong and incomprehensible in this picture. It is clear that this is a school bus but it is also clear that he has been subjected to a hail of bullets. I wonder what happened to the disciples that were present inside during this brutal process.

2. This image contains a car upside down beside her and some policemen and there is no problem with it. But what is the reason for the existence of this person who seems to be ready for his wedding in this picture. What is the place of this sewing machine to express in this picture!

3. often seen people riding the buses of the public transport and crowding in, but how many times I've seen people riding a bus to transport the public over the roof and strange that sits on a chair and puts feet on the foot like there is not anything strange at all!

4. I want to tell these two young men who seem to be outrageously will fall out of this car that there is an invention called the ropes you can connect with a load like this and then you will not have to stand on your own to prevent them from falling into this serious way. The irony is that there is a sign in the middle of the road talking about the number of deaths on the roads.

5. keeps many of us pets and perhaps walking with such people strolling with their dogs. But this is the first time I saw people in line with the Tauosa in the middle of the road. Well here you had seen him.

6. Well this does not happen every day, many fires break out in homes, factories and buildings but not natural to erupt in flames traffic lights, this strange thing we do not know any logical reason for it.

7. I feel very jealous of this kangaroo macho. This kangaroo has the muscles of the dream of every young man straining himself in gyms. I wonder where practicing this kangaroo even got a such muscles.

8. I have a lot of questions will be made to wonder how this animal came to the classroom, and this is also what is the reason for setting the animal on this chair like a student in the lesson and how he was able to sit the animal itself in this manner!

9. This picture means one thing irreplaceable is that this person two holes on either side of his face and large enough to accommodate what we see. See what is the reason for the work of these slots, and why this young man does himself this thing!

10. I wonder if that person deceased do your own computer and how it relates to it until it is placed on his grave as we can see. We have not heard such a thing even with programmers and hackers computers.

Do you have a logical explanation for these images or is it Osapetkm puzzled also left all of us?

See also:

10 positions may make you think twice before riding public transportation in these countries

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