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samedi 31 décembre 2016

10 people ill and fell act in their own evil deeds in a strange way

This is what happens when a person behaves badly, believing that he would get away with it

10 people ill and fell act in their own evil deeds in a strange way
10 people ill and fell act in their own evil deeds in a strange way

It is well known that man is evil in his work, whether in the case after the bad act or thereafter. What is important is that he will taste the bitterness of the results that resulted from his actions. This way, everything that exists in almost all religions is that the sanction of sex work and that person did something good will be refunded to him well if he does something bad will taste and PAL this act. In these days spread leaflets that explain the occurrence of the people in their own evil deeds, or what is known as (karma), which means that someone has the disposal of an irresponsible and bad but had responded to fight back. In some of the examples that will be presented to you will understand more that human evil is in its way or another may be faster than we imagine.

1. It appears that these skilled do not like to splice a hair where the owner says that after he Ptdver her hair has skilled drinking water and dose Besguetha inside his shoes without an apparent reason except revenge.

2. When a person thinks he is above the law like this happen to him, it was parked police patrol car traffic in contravention of traffic rules, but they have been fined on the spot has not been indifferent to being colleagues profession, the law is the law.

3. This person has parking their car in the cargo area and unloading, which could impede the work of the workers so the workers put payloads in front of and behind the car is very tight, which will prevent the owner of the car of the ability to walk by.

4. It seems that the owner of this luxury car was not impressed by the signs in the prevention of traffic on this road, but it may Khalvha and marched them to be surprised that he is a non-dry cement and sank his car in it. This penalty of breaking the rules.

5. The story goes that these young people were throwing eggs at the house of a person only if the owner of the house had been able to arrest them red-handed guilt and forced them to clean up the place. This is the least that can familiarize Popular with recipients due to their actions.

6. Unfortunately one of the robbers that had led him to the burglary of the home of a people but he did not know that this old person was a professional boxer in the past, leaving him seriously injured and bruises when he was arrested at his home.

7. One of the most basic safety rules are not left the car in front of the emergency vital things such as fire hydrant, but this person has Bracken his car in front of him without regard for which firefighters had to break the window of his car in order to pass Khartoum. This simple lesson is true even choose to park your car again anywhere.

8. It seems that some people are forgetting the natural needs of the animals. For example, the owner of this dog has closed on the dog inside the car until the end of the thing that he does, but it seems that he did not expect that the dog may need to relieving himself like all animals. The result is that it will be forced to remove dog feces from the car. In time leaders, respected the animal's needs.

9. The story goes that one of the persons had rammed a car this young man and fled in order not to be forced to pay compensation and to be anonymous, but his misfortune has caused shock for an introduction to his car and the license plate number, which means that his identity has become known to all. I wish not to be imprisoned in your country is hard for thee.

10. His big car parking their car randomly aggressor on more than one place and one corner of the car drivers decided to punish him tough punishment that they Bracken next to their cars at random so as not to be able to move his car to learn that Arkinha properly next time.

Do you see that these people deserve what happened to them?

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