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mardi 20 décembre 2016

10 signboards ridiculous play no purpose other than to laugh them

Strange instructions and put some people unknown to the goal

10 signboards ridiculous play no purpose other than to laugh them
10 signboards ridiculous play no purpose other than to laugh them

We all know that some places imposes certain rules and guidelines to present them to determine for them what is not allowed in this place, and this is a natural thing and is happening in many places, you when riding the train, for example, find a sign saying "No Smoking" directly learn that it is forbidden you smoking as long as It existed in this place out of respect for the law, which put the owner of this place and only offered yourself accountable and possibly punished. So, most of the places deliberately to put up signs indicative order to regulate the behavior of individuals in order to ensure everyone's safety. In contrast, some people have encountered signs indicative of no use and it is unknown purpose and Why been developed from the ground up. We offer you these strange signs may help us to understand the logic that put through.

1. This appears to be the sign that draws people to prevent them crossing the street if you were riding a headless horse. Does this mean that I can express this street that my horse was a whole head ?! Thanks for the information.

2. encounter some of the signs on the roads, which tells us that this region is a transit area for wild animals in order to keep warned. But this is the first time we encounter a banner telling wild animals that these people cross the area! Oh Nsaanhm!

3. If you ask a kid what this place you baby will tell you immediately that the cemetery for the burial of the dead, and this is evident from the tombstones in the back, but the sign says that the extension of this area to play! I wonder what is the kind of games that can be played in the place of the dead!

4. This should be the way is paved at all even put a sign like this to tell the wear high heels that this region is broken in High Heels!

5. Is there one does not know how the sign that says look like "No Smoking"! Of course not, we all know that they are a form of a cigarette and the red Darirh separated red line, but no one tells us that the image of the dog, which he had had enough can replace the cigarette in the Declaration says, "No Smoking."

6. It seems that this sign indicative tell people who walk on Wheels, special people with special Ctaahat that this region can make them slip and fall into the river and become dinner for alligators. And why someone might come on wheels to this dangerous jungle area!

7. As this sign stir laughter is great as it is written on them, "Please do not stand or sit or climb or even based on the fence because it is possible to fall in the area and the animals Althmuk and this may make them get sick!" As if all the problem of predation is the person that the person may not suit their stomachs Fimrdahm.

8. This sign says "Beware, these drunken people crossing the zone", and the form of the person appears to be drunk and crawling on the floor of the hyper Sakra! Can not find a solution to the same problem and not tell drivers that there is someone who may suddenly appear in front of you and buffeted!

9. It is clear that they want to warn people that the reckless driving behavior is very dangerous, but the sign does not suggest that this situation is dangerous or forbidden, and everything seems to us this sign is a fun person to show their capabilities and skills and is not a guide to prevent us from doing it!

10. This striking strange unreasonably, she says "hello to the accident!" Is this town called accidents or that this region is known for frequent accidents, or what!

Did you encounter in your country signs this strange before?

See also:

Statues of strange and scary forms will wonder about its goal

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