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jeudi 22 décembre 2016

10 people asked to buy some things but what and connect differed from their expectations are ridiculous

People frustrated because of that the products and links to different from what they expected

10 people asked to buy some things but what and connect differed from their expectations are ridiculous
10 people asked to buy some things but what and connect differed from their expectations are ridiculous

Recently spread in the culture of buying products online and even buy food and phone up to your door without having to leave or even to pick up an Item yourself. This is extremely useful, and it provided a lot of effort, of course, and we can not deny that, but on the other hand as long as you did not choose my own do not expect to receive exactly as you want because the situation will be different and subject to the standards differ from personal metrics. These people are the best example of things that can reach you if they were ordered on the Internet or over the phone but can be some of the positions of ridicule only and are not one hundred percent honest, but that's what these people said.

1. This lady asked for flowers from one of the sites, but it seems the purchase coupon says it has been a product similar product replace where he had run out of their stores, but this seems to be that we see onion and not a substitute for flowers at all.

2. This request, which was based on the displayed image of the product and expect the buyer that the product is the same format but what Link is completely different from the image display, and you can would you compare yourselves.

3. This lady from this morning, Sara says the food and wonder what kind of chicken this who has presented this length ?! One of the people responded and said that it seems that it gave an ostrich with some potato chips. Meal mysterious!

4. This seems to be the person he bought a lamp from the Internet, relying on the product image and did not pay attention to the dimensions and size of the product mentioned in the product description to be surprised that this lamp has received this ridiculous size.

5. One of them Grappa its mobile asked, according to the displayed image on the left but what is connected bursa on the right, which it seems there is a problem during printing the image on the bursa.

6. This lady asked for a rug to put it on the entrance door, according to the product image on the left but what arrived was a piece of foam, and the paper printed the form of carpet that wanted to buy them! No cheating this!

7. bought one of the ladies Grappa for her type of iPhone, but I was surprised that the bursa does not fit Joalha but fits iPhone 6 Plus mobile Faqamt giving it to her father, who used it and the joy of it, although it feminine design.

8. As this person did not ask anything, but it relates to these things and not once, but twice has published a leaflet asking what are the possible uses of these things you do not know the connection used is not requested from the ground up.

9. This person also was injured in the often frustrated where he bought a rug from the Internet and it seems that he did not pay attention to the dimensions of the product Vfuji they tip his hand size. Maybe you should try to reduce the size of his room to fit the size of the carpet curiosities.

10. I often say that you can not buy clothes from the Internet because they often will not fit my size, but I did not expect it to be the difference in this oddly shaped and that seems to be designed for a cartoon characters and is not a normal person.

Did you ask a producer from the internet and received something different from your expectations?

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Strange behaviors were seen on the roads and do not know a logical explanation

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