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vendredi 30 décembre 2016

7 wrong habits in dealing with dangerous situations can claim your life

False information private to coexist and survive in life-threatening situations can cause the opposite result

There are a lot of medical information, in particular, and we have gained from the community and we have come out without a medical examination and without consulting specialists. Some of this information may be correct and useful, others may be unhelpful or may stillness harmful in some cases. There are a lot of medical information that were brought up on, but we recently discovered that it is accurate information and possibly lead to a result mirrored or may cause harm of any kind. I will enumerate some of these circulating information as incorrect information, but it turns out it is not accurate information by source.

1. suction mouth and the snake

7 wrong habits in dealing with dangerous situations can claim your life
7 wrong habits in dealing with dangerous situations can claim your life

Snake venom enters the bloodstream very quickly and does not congregate in the region that have been biting, so the attempt to suction the mouth and then the snake would be useless, but it may lead to a leak of poison to the person doing the vacuum. The best thing to be done is to make the patient drink plenty of fluids and keep the wound below the level of the heart and speeding him to the hospital for necessary action.

2. pretending to death when the bear attacked

If you are in a forest, for example, and came across the Dibba of the worst things you can do is pretend to death in front of him. The recommended disposition of these cases, if you can think of the foundation is to drop your back slowly, this will suggest to bear that you did not intend to harm and will pull out of his territory.

3. hit the shark on the nose in case of attack you

You might have heard of the person or, in the case Shark Attack you, you must hit him on the nose, where it is weak area, if we assume that this information is correct, it will be applied is very difficult as it will not do any punches underwater These need to be reckoned with force. Conduct that could be taken is to put something between you and the shark like a skateboard or snorkeling mask, for example. The best thing that can scare the shark is that you scratch his eyes and Khiahimh.

4. Find the food first thing in the case of loss within the forest

You may have passed information that in the event of loss within the forest, the first thing you should be looking for is the food, but this is not true fully as the natural person can live without food for a long time, but you must make your priorities is to find a source of fresh water and adopt a shelter protects you from extreme weather.

5. take shelter from the cold in the open in the event of loss within the forest to stay under the cover of

Before the adoption of appropriate shelter that will protect you from the vagaries of weather, especially cold weather should choose the place carefully, in case of cold weather does not protect you hide under the cover only if placed beneath you lining to protect you from the cold ground, and then you can feel the warmth.

6. Eat foods covered by the animal in case of loss within the forest

In fact, the proper food for the animal is not suitable for a person may be a fact that you broke've seen an animal eats a bit of mushroom, for example, or a strange kind of fruits does not mean it fit for human consumption. Dealing only with foods or species that you know without a doubt.

7. address the sharp drop in body temperature to that person in hot water

If someone is injured as a sharp drop in temperature, it is wrong to put the person in a hot bath abruptly as this can cause a shock to the body and may lead to side effects, but the best way is the person warm gradually by putting warm blankets upon heating the air around him .

Of course, these methods are not a guarantee to maintain life, but try for proper disposal in these cases.

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