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mardi 20 décembre 2016

Learn the most prominent users of the iPhone flaws bothered phones

Learn the most prominent users of the iPhone flaws bothered phones

Learn the most prominent users of the iPhone flaws bothered phones
Learn the most prominent users of the iPhone flaws bothered phones

Mobile iPhone has considerable fame status has a lot of users, especially with the availability of features and services to users, puts it in first place among the many manufacturers of smart phones, where the dream of everyone to own iPhone phone, but the fact that he does not know a lot of users is that a lot of versions of the iPhone phones often suffer from major problems make a big fuss about the beginning of the world of the iPhone 4 phones and mobile access to the iPhone 6, which we observe as follows:

- iPhone 4 and the problem of network
Big problem appeared in the phone iPhone 4, which lead to weakness and loss of communication signal when holding the phone, however the user through calls, as a result of that phone iPhone 4 came the design depends on a pickup phone signal frame metal outside, while the pickup of GPS and Wi-Fi status in the same frame was separated simple intervals so as not to contact between Allakotain, in order not to weaken the signal, except that when you catch the user's hand phone was working on connecting Allakotain together, causing the weakness of the signal, which prompted the "Steve Jobs" to announce that the solution to the problem transmission to the owners of iPhone Phone 4 will be by providing Alpmbr or cover phone iPhone 4 free of charge.

- IPhone 5 and hotter battery
A big problem in the iPhone phones also appeared five related Bsgunah battery dramatically speed depletion, prompting the company eventually to launch a formal program to replace the iPhone phones with batteries that are suffering from the problem, which has replaced the batteries all the iPhone 5 devices sold in the period between September 2012 and January 2013.

- IPhone 6 Plus bending:
As another problem appeared in the iPhone Phone 6 Plus related curvature phone when you put it for a long time in the user's pocket, and that after he noticed some users that the phone "iPhone 6 Plus" suffers from curvature is simple when you put it for a long time in the pocket of the trousers, but that Apple received from its side The problem is that this is rare and they are extremely occurred among some users only.

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