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vendredi 23 décembre 2016

Ideas and clever tricks will help the men in their lives and make it easier for them a lot of things

Men only: smart ideas to help the men in their lives with you

Ideas and clever tricks will help the men in their lives and make it easier for them a lot of things
Ideas and clever tricks will help the men in their lives and make it easier for them a lot of things

A lot of responsibility rests with the man, and this means that it must provide his energy and his effort and time in order to carry out all or most of the required him things and this is not something easy as there are some things in the daily life of the man of routine, which consume a lot of his time and energy so we collected for you some of the best ideas that help men specifically in the management of other things their own lives as well as some tips that man needs in his daily life a piece of personal and private things that caused him some problems or embarrassment.

1. mostly have your wife or your sister Iron Straightener, you can take advantage of these irons, but the way that men takeaways by the shirt collar shirt even seems neat and beautiful.

2. If you stimulate the wall using the drill and suffer from scattering soft dirt in the ground, you can simply put the paper paste in this way under the place where you will burrow in which to collect soil on it instead of Bosrth.

3. If the glass searchlight your car is clean you can polish using toothpaste. Yes, toothpaste can use it to polish the glass Searchlight night and watched the result.

4. If you want to commend your shirt sleeves not deterred the old way that makes the shirt seems in poor condition, but even twelve quantum Koek then twelve remaining portion and it is this form of quantum Muthanna clean and well-groomed.

5. Most of us suffer from uncontrollable COIN When connecting plug something electrical cord while working at home. Do not waste your time, and connecting the two wires in this way will not be separated from each wire.

6. I know my friend the man to link the tie is not easy at all but as long as we asked for help from our wives and sisters of Iqmn this task. Well, you can learn that more than one way to connect them by following the steps in the photos.

7. Most of the men face a very embarrassing situation when using public bathrooms and at being forced to urinate in the urinal instead of the normal bathroom. Although this method is not grainy and bad but some may have it because there is no alternative, and the problem lies in the urine reflux to the person something that is not good at all, so this is the best place so as not to fall back you urine and infects your clothes.

8. If you knock nails yourself, you are for the most part you have been run over by a finger at the time of times. Well there will be more pain if this method is followed and caught a screw through the clothespin in this way so as not to mistake your fingers run over during tapping.

9. task of chopping onions is a daunting task and endure most men with tears because they catch them and this is not one of the attributes a lot of men. So if you did not want to flowing tears the next time your chewing gum while slicing onions do not even tears in your eyes.

What do you think of these ideas dear man?

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