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mardi 20 décembre 2016

10 people repaired the damaged and broken things smart and creative way

How to exploit the bad things in your home without spending much money

When broken something in our homes, we are for the most part we will dropped it without thinking about how to fix it, but in fact this is a good way not help savings. Better to think about how to fix the thing before disposing of it, and even if you can not fix it for the most part there are certain this thing Broken use other than logical to use it, or you can work recycling has entered element in a useful things. Some people have introduced their skill in overcoming the problem of broken and damaged things in a smart way to Ntosy them and try to think of a creative way to repair or to exploit the damaged thing in our homes and these are some of the successful attempts.

1. If the cracked skin on the heel of your shoes you can repair the damaged shape by pasting Alglitr on the heels here is the shoe has become like a new pair of shoes.

2. If you have a hernia in cloth couch in your home, you can Tsalehyha using lace to hide somewhere hernia.

3. This idea is very useful for owners of leaky shoes. You can attend a piece of colored cloth and set them appropriately over the scene of the pieces and now the shoe has become new.

4. If your home is broken pottery plants you do not throw it in the trash, but you can exploit this beautiful shape and it seems like a masterpiece unintended.

5. This is the fittest person notch located at the fence by a clever ruse to draw a caravan of camels cracks suggesting that they desert mountains line by this convoy.

6. If you have a break in the mirror at the bottom, you can install some colorful pieces that will hide behind the fracture. This, of course, if the fracture simple and can be hidden.

7. It seems that children may have corrupted the wall using a pen colors and this, of course, a nightmare for any mother, but this is not the mother who obviously was able to hide these lines by drawing a pretty creative.

8. national reform of small holes in the woolen clothes by installing some of the shapes that fit the type of clothing to cover the hole and seem like part of the original design.

9. If your pants a cut jeans that you can fit the pieces in a smart way to add an element to the way Shorts court order seems like a part of the basic design of the pants, like the example shown in the image.

10. This is the fittest person cracks in the door of his car in a spectacular way, where he drew attractive forms conceal cracks behind superbly. Most people lose their senses in such matters.

Do not stop when the tradition of these ideas but try to play inventing new ways inspired thoughts.

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