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dimanche 18 décembre 2016

10 Funny Tweets published by people on Twitter will paint a smile on your face

This is one of the best tweets that were published in 2016

Who among us does not know the famous and used by millions around the world Twitter. Many of us have used Twitter or social networking in general sites in order to follow the news or to join a community, but there are some people who follow these sites for entertainment, which means that they want to laugh, and this has made some people innovate in the dissemination of publications that cause laughter to those who see it . Many people who Ahtervoa making smiles on these sites using their sense of humor, which is often associated with the presence of the image, which increases the air humorist we have seen. These are some of the tweets published Waltz people on Twitter and the fact it is very funny.

1. Someone deploy an image of this dog, which came in the bathtub to sit in it and wrote him, "I was trying to relax in the bathtub, but this is what happened", as the dog did not respond to this happy moment to be completed and saw that shower shared in the same bathtub.

10 Funny Tweets published by people on Twitter will paint a smile on your face
10 Funny Tweets published by people on Twitter will paint a smile on your face

2. It seems that this person wanted to be joking with his grandmother so he filmed It works on laptops, commenting, "My grandmother is studying for master's degree." Prayers have success if at all.

3. As this Tweet Venchertha lady cat sitting in a train seem sad and wrote with her image, "This cat rode a train midnight uncaring place where he will be up to him." I do not know what the cat may arrive to this case!

4. publish a tweet people are accompanied by a cow sleeps on his thigh and wrote "This is a cow owned by people that came and slept on my feet, and now I can not move, otherwise you will wake her." Certainly this person will remain so for a long time that did not want to wake them.

5. published one of them, saying they had brought her dog with her to work and this is what happened, where the dog sat down on the conference table like a director of the company.

6. As this Tweet owner says he was in a special place Baliqtin "Pumpkin" in one of the cities, but he was surprised that the person takes professional pictures of his dog in this way. It seems to be prepared to be a movie star.

7. Our friend the publication of tweets bearing the image of two dogs Atlatefan commenting on the image and reading "Every time I walk with Kalpta stand in order to see her boyfriend, they are like Romeo and Juliet." We wish to be Tsoejehma each other even extinguish the fire of love between them.

8. this Tweet of the most funniest tweets where he published one of them based on the image of a tree that had many cats and sleeps above wrote, "What kind of this fruit ?!", as they are sitting on top of the trees they must have some kind of fruit.

9. As this Tweet Vnscherha a people laughed and said this is what we see, which contain little sister bag. Oh, the innocence of children and the simplicity of their lives.

10. someone has posted this Tweet saying that he went to shower and leave the Kalpth on the bed and has run one of the videos on the laptop in order to see them, and when he came out of the bathroom surprised that bitch watching the sections already integrated with it.

None of these tweets deserve to be the best tweets of 2016?

See also: 10 positions funny and lighthearted published some of the people on snapchat

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