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mardi 20 décembre 2016

Video: the invention of a new type of roadblocks will Ivhlk when you see how it works

The invention of a South Korean plastic barricades on the roads to reduce the likelihood of exposure to accidents

Video: the invention of a new type of roadblocks will Ivhlk when you see how it works
Video: the invention of a new type of roadblocks will Ivhlk when you see how it works

Our world is packed with good people who made fun of their efforts to assist and facilitate human life and the things they employ their abilities and creativity for this noble purpose service. How many people have spent time something human in his life and said exterminated old for the invention and after his death, and this interest will continue to annihilate mankind. These people are giving us hope that life and the world is still okay.

Often we see the metal barriers on the sides of roads, which aims to protect people and impeding the cars out on the paved road. Despite the nobility of the goal of these barriers, but that when he hit one of the cars it - God forbid - happens bad consequences do not think that this natural barrier is useful in the prevention of accidents as required.

Recently, the South Korean company invented a new type of barriers designed specifically to keep the spirits of the people and reduce the chances of the driver or passengers being inside cars risk of serious resulting from a collision with barriers, the road as a result of loss of control on the steering wheel or tire or other causes that lead to this type explosion of accidents.

The innovation on the idea of ​​having a metal barrier with a simple but adding a large impact which is a plastic cylinder between two checkpoints Almadnyin. The metal barriers absorb the force of collision and the plastic cylinders to rotate with the movement of the car encountered by helping them to adjust and put them instead of the coup, and thus are less likely to display the car for more damage and thus preserving the lives of those inside and reduce the likelihood of exposure to Mhatr.

Almta have followed this illustration that shows the work of this type of barriers and their mechanism at the least damage to the car shock absorbers.

What do you think of this innovation Do you favor its application in our country?

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