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jeudi 2 mars 2017

10 strange coincidence of similarities between the appearance of some of the people and other things funny

Images of similar things make us wonder about his appearance is best

Since we were young they compare between us and other people or other things. For example, they compare between you look and feel your brother or your sister when Tertdon similar things. Not only this, but they sometimes compare between you and Freezers or things like when you're wearing a T-shirt funny colors were telling you, "You look like the carpet in this funny clothes." It's not finished when we grew up, but that such ridiculous comparisons continued with us and Ahaktna to this day. In this issue we'll show you some of the funny things is fantastic comparisons did not expect to be proficient similarities between them to such a degree.

1. There is a similarity can not be denied by the President Donald Trump hair and soft hair that is found in the fruit of corn.

10 strange coincidence of similarities between the appearance of some of the people and other things funny
10 strange coincidence of similarities between the appearance of some of the people and other things funny

2. This person felt that if he put his cat on his head will get a hairstyle similar to that person. Maybe become famous is the other.

3. There is a funny clothes similarity between this lady and the famous fireside own public places.

4. even wear this little boy-like water in a pipe in the street, especially after he put the cap on his head and individual agricultural.

5. Celebrity Bhtahathm in the clothes even know that this famous person has to wear a coat looks like a reddish meat sandwich.

6. Imagine wearing a T-shirt, believing that the latest trend in the clothing and then be surprised that you resemble the plastic bag!

7. Even when wearing a new sock and then find that its shape perfectly mimics the shape of the earth that stand out. Strange coincidence!

8. It seems that the grandmother were not aware that her dress perfectly mimics the shape of the carpet in the house so that she may disappear if I sat above them.

9. This person was surprised that his pen body is exactly like his teacher! Hard to believe that it is just a coincidence!

10. This person is not much different in appearance in this dress for tissue paper tray. Maybe this person is useful if one of them was infected with a cold.

Do you have a picture of similar things as well? Let's see.

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