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dimanche 18 décembre 2016

10 of the most ridiculous positions that have occurred to most people and you you too often

Photo attitudes experienced by some people but occur all of us :

10 of the most ridiculous positions that have occurred to most people and you you too often
10 of the most ridiculous positions that have occurred to most people and you you too often
Going through a lot of us that most of us are not the positions of frustrating but they caused us laugh often fleeting as it stands does not deserve to be a bit of Naerha larger than the real size of attention. Many of these situations happen to us most of the time they are in something and I am happy to assure you that you are not alone from passing these situations. How many times I expected to get something or do something, but things did not go as you wait! It certainly will not be able to count the number of these positions are plentiful. These examples Below are some ridiculous positions that have occurred to some of the people have passed by most of us as well. is not it?!

1. Do you remember when I was in school and I forgot to bring your pen lead Vadharrt borrow're not Gray from one of your colleagues to write it and I suffered throughout the writing period because of its small size? That's what happened to our friend this it seems.

2. auto turn during the summer period to moving furnaces because of the heat and the sun burnt store you might even hurt you heat the steering wheel are forced to adherence to something even protect yourself from the heat. It also applies to the extreme cold. In both cases the task of leadership to be tough.

3. When you buy juice from a store and give him external aspirator and then walk away from the shop and starts putting vacuum is surprised they are much shorter than the length of the cup shall be in an enviable position, as happened with this person.

4. This suffering known smart phone owners, especially with the Android system when your phone memory is full and you want to open the camera to capture important or important picture of the position, but you surprised that the phone will not allow you to this matter because the space does not allow!

5. When you're in a classroom and the teacher asks a question you smart Vtjob it, but your voice is low and your colleague heard your answer but say it aloud and rejoice with the teacher and it takes all the attention even though you are the owner of the answer.

6. As for this suffering are more things that happen to people every day when they put the toothpaste on the brush and start Petrtaibha water putty is located in the pelvis. If you are keen to wash their teeth, they often have been exposed to such a situation.

7. Do you have entered a public baths and you want to use paper napkins, but you surprised that it may run out, which means that you will suffer greatly because of the absence of such napkins ?! This position is passed by a lot of people around the world.

8. When you are bankrupt during the period of study does not have the purchase price of the iPhone phone but all your colleagues have mobile expensive Vtstrae Grappa iPhone on the form and put it your old phone.

9. When you lose your remote and you can not change the television channel without stand and move from place begins to change them manually crawl and stand moderate even just yourself that you did not make a great effort.

10. When you want to heat the food, but you do not have an oven heated to are forced to improvise Vtda food on the irons to be heated from below and above iron heats the hair, as did our friend this.

None of these situations happened to you or encountered in your life?

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