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samedi 31 décembre 2016

Designed from these ridiculous things deserve to be expelled from his work

Designed from these ridiculous things deserve to be expelled from his work

Designed from these ridiculous things deserve to be expelled from his work
Designed from these ridiculous things deserve to be expelled from his work

Sometimes we fail to do our work properly, but whatever our bungled it never reaches this stage that we will post them to you. It has forgotten something that does not affect the entire work but to put something or omit something remarkably clearly to such a degree it betrays an unjustified laze in the work and the apathy is finished. We are in this topic show you examples of some of the people who carried out these blunders and your judgment is it just a passing errors, or is it actually worth that those expelled from their jobs!

10 real people look like cartoon characters to the degree may make you Balandhash

Heroes cartoon films Mottagsdon in the form of people who live among us and this is the evidence

You may be surprised to know that artists who invent cartoon characters do not invent shapes out of nowhere, but they imitate forms of some of the people who saw them had earlier with the addition of some funny cartoon character on the effects to show us the way that we see. But sometimes the opposite may happen that innovates the artist a certain form of cartoon character and then be surprised that there are some people who live among us and who look like these heroes to a large extent and some of them looked like these characters stunningly us to believe that the artist who Barsmanm has inspired details full of this a real person. We will review together pictures of some real characters who look like cartoon characters to some extent a matter of amazement and do not know an explanation to him and we can not but marvel at this strange coincidence.

10 people ill and fell act in their own evil deeds in a strange way

This is what happens when a person behaves badly, believing that he would get away with it

10 people ill and fell act in their own evil deeds in a strange way
10 people ill and fell act in their own evil deeds in a strange way

It is well known that man is evil in his work, whether in the case after the bad act or thereafter. What is important is that he will taste the bitterness of the results that resulted from his actions. This way, everything that exists in almost all religions is that the sanction of sex work and that person did something good will be refunded to him well if he does something bad will taste and PAL this act. In these days spread leaflets that explain the occurrence of the people in their own evil deeds, or what is known as (karma), which means that someone has the disposal of an irresponsible and bad but had responded to fight back. In some of the examples that will be presented to you will understand more that human evil is in its way or another may be faster than we imagine.

vendredi 30 décembre 2016

7 wrong habits in dealing with dangerous situations can claim your life

False information private to coexist and survive in life-threatening situations can cause the opposite result

There are a lot of medical information, in particular, and we have gained from the community and we have come out without a medical examination and without consulting specialists. Some of this information may be correct and useful, others may be unhelpful or may stillness harmful in some cases. There are a lot of medical information that were brought up on, but we recently discovered that it is accurate information and possibly lead to a result mirrored or may cause harm of any kind. I will enumerate some of these circulating information as incorrect information, but it turns out it is not accurate information by source.

We do things the wrong way and it's time to get to know the correct way to use

Correct uses of many of the things that we used to use it incorrectly

We do things the wrong way and it's time to get to know the correct way to use
We do things the wrong way and it's time to get to know the correct way to use

Difficult for many of us to admit that he was doing something the wrong way, but it is always better to recognize that you're doing something wrong way as long as you have learned, and I knew the proper way to do it. No shame in that mistake or do things wrong as long as we do not know the correct way but once you know the correct way to do anything then we must change our concepts of the way and we did those things in order to agree the correct way to them. In fact, we can say that some of these new ideas that will be presented to you may Tstaajabun for its simplicity and how we did not think about it before, but you do not need to Astajab and save energy in the experience of these smart ways your life routine might these methods provide of your time and effort and affect you positively.

jeudi 29 décembre 2016

10 Funny positions illustrate Unfortunately he suffered some people

Frustrating situations occur to many of us, you'll understand when you see

10 Funny positions illustrate Unfortunately he suffered some people
10 Funny positions illustrate Unfortunately he suffered some people

Many are exposed to volatile situations during the day, not a day passes from beginning to etcetera on the same pace for the most part. Some people, for example, starts his day quietly and expect that everything is fine and that he will not change the overall atmosphere of the day, which is going through its Taking surprised the occurrence of something overturn the balance of his day, both for the worse or for the better. In these examples, which will be presented to you some of the people were expecting that it is going to be fine, but they Vodioa that the wind does not always come as crave ships and exposed to situations caused frustration during their day.

dimanche 25 décembre 2016

People risked their lives to make us marvel at the degree that they are still alive

Reckless acts carried out by persons may threaten their safety and their lives

People risked their lives to make us marvel at the degree that they are still alive
People risked their lives to make us marvel at the degree that they are still alive

It is clear that the common-sense things are not intuitive at all the people, what we all know as a danger to the health and life there are some people who see that something unusual does not harm him. The problem lies in the fact that these people may put themselves and others at risk of a very large could die because of their actions and their lives Asthtarhm. If you want to know the extent to which people risked their lives you can go down to the street and walk in the streets with a closer look and you will find many people doing serious acts of life. Some people, for example, has been walking too fast on the road and others crossing the road without looking to the sides of the road, some of them standing on the wall of his balcony on the upper floor for the installation of the lamp, for example, and other serious offenses. These are some of the acts that he has done some people wantonly clear on their lives.

Funny people do mistakes in their actions make us wonder where their minds

They seem to dislike people for their business Vnfdhuha worst way

Funny people do mistakes in their actions make us wonder where their minds
Funny people do mistakes in their actions make us wonder where their minds

You may go to your job and you are not active or not enthusiastic about him, this can happen to anyone anywhere, but it is natural that we do things and the mistakes are not committed by a child at the age of five years old, claiming that we were not in a good mood or we were not full our attention while you work! There are some people who Obehrona their intelligence at work and how they finish it Bozky way possible, and on the other side there are people Obehrona but also adversely where they made us have been surprised at how foolish they committed during their atrocities and mistakes they made. Is it possible that someone in any of the mistakes that will be presented to you under any pretext is! If a qualified person to work or did not feel that he will not orphaned well better for him and for others not to do because it is often a costly error fix more than the original thing. After all These people have proven that there is a limit to what man can perpetrates this clumsiness that these pictures were not deceptive.

There's just nothing Hidden in these pictures will not be seen by everyone Nthaddak to see at first sight

Only a strong note. Try to know what is strange in these pictures

There's just nothing Hidden in these pictures will not be seen by everyone Nthaddak to see at first sight
There's just nothing Hidden in these pictures will not be seen by everyone Nthaddak to see at first sight

Do you think you're a person with a severe power note, which can be seen in any image the fine details and the first look? Well if so, you'll love these images that contain nothing hidden and mysterious can not see everyone, especially at first sight. Prepare yourself and clear glasses and rub your eyes because you are going to be the thing disappeared graduated in this mysterious images. In fact, the pictures themselves are not ambiguous but by a mysterious thing can not see everyone. Start the challenge now and told us how many images you knew where the mysterious thing at first sight, and without regard to the solution.

vendredi 23 décembre 2016

Ideas and clever tricks will help the men in their lives and make it easier for them a lot of things

Men only: smart ideas to help the men in their lives with you

Ideas and clever tricks will help the men in their lives and make it easier for them a lot of things
Ideas and clever tricks will help the men in their lives and make it easier for them a lot of things

A lot of responsibility rests with the man, and this means that it must provide his energy and his effort and time in order to carry out all or most of the required him things and this is not something easy as there are some things in the daily life of the man of routine, which consume a lot of his time and energy so we collected for you some of the best ideas that help men specifically in the management of other things their own lives as well as some tips that man needs in his daily life a piece of personal and private things that caused him some problems or embarrassment.

1. mostly have your wife or your sister Iron Straightener, you can take advantage of these irons, but the way that men takeaways by the shirt collar shirt even seems neat and beautiful.

2. If you stimulate the wall using the drill and suffer from scattering soft dirt in the ground, you can simply put the paper paste in this way under the place where you will burrow in which to collect soil on it instead of Bosrth.

3. If the glass searchlight your car is clean you can polish using toothpaste. Yes, toothpaste can use it to polish the glass Searchlight night and watched the result.

4. If you want to commend your shirt sleeves not deterred the old way that makes the shirt seems in poor condition, but even twelve quantum Koek then twelve remaining portion and it is this form of quantum Muthanna clean and well-groomed.

5. Most of us suffer from uncontrollable COIN When connecting plug something electrical cord while working at home. Do not waste your time, and connecting the two wires in this way will not be separated from each wire.

6. I know my friend the man to link the tie is not easy at all but as long as we asked for help from our wives and sisters of Iqmn this task. Well, you can learn that more than one way to connect them by following the steps in the photos.

7. Most of the men face a very embarrassing situation when using public bathrooms and at being forced to urinate in the urinal instead of the normal bathroom. Although this method is not grainy and bad but some may have it because there is no alternative, and the problem lies in the urine reflux to the person something that is not good at all, so this is the best place so as not to fall back you urine and infects your clothes.

8. If you knock nails yourself, you are for the most part you have been run over by a finger at the time of times. Well there will be more pain if this method is followed and caught a screw through the clothespin in this way so as not to mistake your fingers run over during tapping.

9. task of chopping onions is a daunting task and endure most men with tears because they catch them and this is not one of the attributes a lot of men. So if you did not want to flowing tears the next time your chewing gum while slicing onions do not even tears in your eyes.

What do you think of these ideas dear man?

People used the possibilities for creating a wry very things

People invented a very silly things

No one hates innovations and we can not deny that the best inventions come from primitive ideas and went through a development. This is of course nothing for granted and there is no standing. But we may find that there are some people who volunteer to invent things but in a cynical and unhelpful and may even be more harm than good, such innovations can not prepare it among the things that benefit mankind, but could possibly be one of the things that are a source of danger not Terje benefit them at all. In any case, we found these people who Obehrona Pachtraathm that we can simply half as innovations silly!

jeudi 22 décembre 2016

10 positions strange and illogical that you need an explanation on the spot

Strange situations do not happen every day and we do not see them again

10 positions strange and illogical that you need an explanation on the spot
10 positions strange and illogical that you need an explanation on the spot

Often we encounter strange situations in our lives and wonder about the thing that exists behind these positions and we want to clarify the question and the fact that we saw the mysterious situation. From fixed objects and humans are known to have curiosity and hates ambiguity and ambiguous attitudes and restless human only after it knows the thing that lies behind each stance on this mysterious situations that pass by. We have put together for you from the Internet pictures of the positions of weird and wonderful and mysterious no logical explanation have but what you could do is to unleash your imagination in order to try to find a logical and reasonable explanation for these strange images that really need to think outside the box to speculate about the cause of the positions that I took it.

10 people asked to buy some things but what and connect differed from their expectations are ridiculous

People frustrated because of that the products and links to different from what they expected

10 people asked to buy some things but what and connect differed from their expectations are ridiculous
10 people asked to buy some things but what and connect differed from their expectations are ridiculous

Recently spread in the culture of buying products online and even buy food and phone up to your door without having to leave or even to pick up an Item yourself. This is extremely useful, and it provided a lot of effort, of course, and we can not deny that, but on the other hand as long as you did not choose my own do not expect to receive exactly as you want because the situation will be different and subject to the standards differ from personal metrics. These people are the best example of things that can reach you if they were ordered on the Internet or over the phone but can be some of the positions of ridicule only and are not one hundred percent honest, but that's what these people said.

mardi 20 décembre 2016

IPhone 6 .. highlighted three problems facing users a way to solve

IPhone 6 .. highlighted three problems facing users a way to solve

IPhone 6 .. highlighted three problems facing users a way to solve
IPhone 6 

Apple has unveiled her iPhone 6
Two years ago, major technology company has tried to support the iPhone 6 all the advantages that ensure its success, and make iPhone 6 of the most smartphones in the market, and already iPhone 6 was a great success and won great popularity, but there are a number of problems faced by its users and that can be identified and on the way resolved as follows:

1. redness iPhone screen 6
Complained about the number of users of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus redness screen, and converts it in some cases to the lighting in an exaggerated with the advent of the Apple logo, and the problem is solved by telephone iPhone 6 in a lot of cases, while it is not repaired immediately in a lot of times, it can be this problem is solved by telephone iPhone 6 by clicking on each of the main power button and the button for 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears.

2. Increase the size of images and applications in the iPhone 6
Surprise a lot of users of iPhone 6 to increase the screen images and applications size of the sums, which prevents users from using the phone easily, a problem that may occur due to tampering in some iPhone 6 settings without knowing what result, if faced a users iPhone 6 this problem he pressure on the screen using three fingers to the screen returns to the state of nature again, go to settings, then General settings Accessibility and then click on the Zoom off

3. weakness iPhone headset 6
A lot of users face the iPhone 6 difficult to hear the sound of the caller in some cases, which is common that the problem can be solved simply by more than form, since a user can iPhone 6 pressure on the volume button firmly and make sure there is no insulator or Hail such as preservatives or protection which screen prevents headset to play their role, or it may be due to some dust, which crept into the headset for iPhone 6, which can be cleaned using a small brush.

Learn the most prominent users of the iPhone flaws bothered phones

Learn the most prominent users of the iPhone flaws bothered phones

Learn the most prominent users of the iPhone flaws bothered phones
Learn the most prominent users of the iPhone flaws bothered phones

Mobile iPhone has considerable fame status has a lot of users, especially with the availability of features and services to users, puts it in first place among the many manufacturers of smart phones, where the dream of everyone to own iPhone phone, but the fact that he does not know a lot of users is that a lot of versions of the iPhone phones often suffer from major problems make a big fuss about the beginning of the world of the iPhone 4 phones and mobile access to the iPhone 6, which we observe as follows:

- iPhone 4 and the problem of network
Big problem appeared in the phone iPhone 4, which lead to weakness and loss of communication signal when holding the phone, however the user through calls, as a result of that phone iPhone 4 came the design depends on a pickup phone signal frame metal outside, while the pickup of GPS and Wi-Fi status in the same frame was separated simple intervals so as not to contact between Allakotain, in order not to weaken the signal, except that when you catch the user's hand phone was working on connecting Allakotain together, causing the weakness of the signal, which prompted the "Steve Jobs" to announce that the solution to the problem transmission to the owners of iPhone Phone 4 will be by providing Alpmbr or cover phone iPhone 4 free of charge.

- IPhone 5 and hotter battery
A big problem in the iPhone phones also appeared five related Bsgunah battery dramatically speed depletion, prompting the company eventually to launch a formal program to replace the iPhone phones with batteries that are suffering from the problem, which has replaced the batteries all the iPhone 5 devices sold in the period between September 2012 and January 2013.

- IPhone 6 Plus bending:
As another problem appeared in the iPhone Phone 6 Plus related curvature phone when you put it for a long time in the user's pocket, and that after he noticed some users that the phone "iPhone 6 Plus" suffers from curvature is simple when you put it for a long time in the pocket of the trousers, but that Apple received from its side The problem is that this is rare and they are extremely occurred among some users only.

Strange behaviors were seen on the roads and do not know a logical explanation

Persons violated security rules and road safety are can not overlook it

Strange behaviors were seen on the roads and do not know a logical explanation
Strange behaviors were seen on the roads and do not know a logical explanation

During Serna on the roads, especially highways are seeing is inconceivable, some cars are not roadworthy from the ground as well as on the go on the highways, and some transport vehicles to be loaded with loads of times higher than their size, and some of them go too fast, and many others. That's what we used to see on the highways, especially if the traffic laws are lax. But it's a little bit different this time, it has been a lot of strange and bizarre situations, which is difficult for us to interpret and subject to the logic and then analyzed monitoring. Show you pictures of these strange things that have been photographed on the roads, perhaps there is someone among you can explain these strange things.

1. How many times I've seen people walking on a legendary public roads and walks in peace and tranquility! Is Hollywood films become a reality and became humans and Alvdhaiaon friends ?!

2. It seems that this person has finally bought his wife a gift that will make you see women feel jealous. But the way you install this bear stuffed funny look as if they are torturing him!

3. We watched private cars and trucks we saw before, but we did not see a car that combines qualities as happened to this car. Surprised by the usefulness of this additive part of the foundation and how the authorities let him go in this way is guaranteed his safety.

4. These scooters look, which was suspended by these huge pipes as if they were rockets ready to invade the space. If the scooters are a means of transport for such a huge pipe size if why they invented the auto transport!

5. always dreamed we were young that we can walk home in which we live on the road and put it in anywhere we want. It seems that the owner of this house Simple decided to realize this dream and showed us how to transfer the houses on the roads.

6. It seems that this young man would suffer greatly for that connects the couch to the desired place in this strange way! I can not imagine how he could lead his bike and pulls the cart carrying the couch this oddly shaped!

7. I do not think that the owner of this car is intended to intimidate the marchers on the road behind him put these dolls frightening this oddly shaped. But there remains a question is not answered, which caused developed from the ground up!

8. I do not know if this was a joke or what, but you do not see such a thing going on the roads every day there is a real plane is not a normal car but it is clear that they are going on the road I do not know how!

9. The owner of the car told us what is the reason for the development of cartoons leaves the car in this way is a big relief to think of a logical reason. But as long as he would not tell us we do not have but to continue guessing.

10. I hope this is just a joke, no one is likely to see a skeleton driving a car. Perhaps the form is printed on the glass or there is a trick that since we're not in a movie about the zombies of Hollywood production.

Have you seen the strange position of such attitudes on the roads in your country?

See also:

10 signboards ridiculous play no purpose other than to laugh them

10 signboards ridiculous play no purpose other than to laugh them

Strange instructions and put some people unknown to the goal

10 signboards ridiculous play no purpose other than to laugh them
10 signboards ridiculous play no purpose other than to laugh them

We all know that some places imposes certain rules and guidelines to present them to determine for them what is not allowed in this place, and this is a natural thing and is happening in many places, you when riding the train, for example, find a sign saying "No Smoking" directly learn that it is forbidden you smoking as long as It existed in this place out of respect for the law, which put the owner of this place and only offered yourself accountable and possibly punished. So, most of the places deliberately to put up signs indicative order to regulate the behavior of individuals in order to ensure everyone's safety. In contrast, some people have encountered signs indicative of no use and it is unknown purpose and Why been developed from the ground up. We offer you these strange signs may help us to understand the logic that put through.

1. This appears to be the sign that draws people to prevent them crossing the street if you were riding a headless horse. Does this mean that I can express this street that my horse was a whole head ?! Thanks for the information.

2. encounter some of the signs on the roads, which tells us that this region is a transit area for wild animals in order to keep warned. But this is the first time we encounter a banner telling wild animals that these people cross the area! Oh Nsaanhm!

3. If you ask a kid what this place you baby will tell you immediately that the cemetery for the burial of the dead, and this is evident from the tombstones in the back, but the sign says that the extension of this area to play! I wonder what is the kind of games that can be played in the place of the dead!

4. This should be the way is paved at all even put a sign like this to tell the wear high heels that this region is broken in High Heels!

5. Is there one does not know how the sign that says look like "No Smoking"! Of course not, we all know that they are a form of a cigarette and the red Darirh separated red line, but no one tells us that the image of the dog, which he had had enough can replace the cigarette in the Declaration says, "No Smoking."

6. It seems that this sign indicative tell people who walk on Wheels, special people with special Ctaahat that this region can make them slip and fall into the river and become dinner for alligators. And why someone might come on wheels to this dangerous jungle area!

7. As this sign stir laughter is great as it is written on them, "Please do not stand or sit or climb or even based on the fence because it is possible to fall in the area and the animals Althmuk and this may make them get sick!" As if all the problem of predation is the person that the person may not suit their stomachs Fimrdahm.

8. This sign says "Beware, these drunken people crossing the zone", and the form of the person appears to be drunk and crawling on the floor of the hyper Sakra! Can not find a solution to the same problem and not tell drivers that there is someone who may suddenly appear in front of you and buffeted!

9. It is clear that they want to warn people that the reckless driving behavior is very dangerous, but the sign does not suggest that this situation is dangerous or forbidden, and everything seems to us this sign is a fun person to show their capabilities and skills and is not a guide to prevent us from doing it!

10. This striking strange unreasonably, she says "hello to the accident!" Is this town called accidents or that this region is known for frequent accidents, or what!

Did you encounter in your country signs this strange before?

See also:

Statues of strange and scary forms will wonder about its goal

Statues of strange and scary forms will wonder about its goal

Statues found in public places around the world, but the goal of which mysteriously

Statues of strange and scary forms will wonder about its goal
Statues of strange and scary forms will wonder about its goal

Intentionally many countries on the deployment of the statues in the squares and public places, and some of these statues have a clear and obvious idea and do not need to guess if a statue of a person reads shall aim is to encourage reading, for example, may be a statue of a soldier carrying a weapon or note shall be a statue nationally broadcast spirit the national people. This is understandable examples we encounter almost every day, even in our country. But on the other side there are some statues that we do not know its meaning and is not a goal, not even the logic! Some of the strange statues monitoring in some countries and will be presented to you maybe you have a logical explanation to it.

1. This statue, which seems like a cup of coffee has spilled located in Venice, Italy. The idea of ​​this statue is vague but perhaps he understands a coffee lovers.

2. This statue does not find him any logic, which is a giant thumb is in Paris, France. Perhaps to commemorate the suffering of thumb with us.

3. I do not think it is appropriate to put a statue of a dog pees on your building This is an insult. After all, this statue is in the Museum of Art in California.

4. This house inverted incomprehensible idea but perhaps symbolizes the idea of change and impermanence, who knows! There is this strange building in Calgary, Canada.

5. This statue disgusting man who vomits from Mayara fountain located in London, England. I advise you not to look at it and you eat may befall you nauseous.

6. This statue Inverted also do not understand the idea. If moderate to Vsrnah example that perpetuate the memory of this person, but the statue has been placed in this form is strange I do not think that I have a convincing explanation for it. This statue is located in Australia.

7. Although this statue strange and mysterious to some extent, but I can guess that it symbolizes a person who works a lot and is surrounded by his work just the head, especially that this statue is located in Los Angeles, California.

8. It may be the making of this statue is a lover of ice cream in a manner to build a statue to him in full. This statue is located in Seattle, Washington.

9. The statue appears to be a person hinders another person. Maybe this statue symbolizes an attempt to obstruct the successful people or something like that. There is this statue in Brussels, Belgium.

10. This statue of a dog without the features found in Amsterdam and this reminds me of a dog small dogs with a moving head that is placed in the automotive plastics.

11. This statue seems scary I do not understand what is the wisdom behind it but it is certain that he is the author of knows what is the purpose of it. This statue is located in Hanover, Germany.

12. This statue is located in Brooklyn, New York shows crocodile devoured it seems small as a child, but when the audit will find a dollar sign at the head area. What does this statue symbolizes see ya!

Do you have a logical explanation for these strange statues ?!

See also:

10 people repaired the damaged and broken things smart and creative way