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samedi 25 février 2017

10 important guidance in times of danger that could save your life someday not neglected

The task of tricks to deal in the positions of danger

10 important guidance in times of danger that could save your life someday not neglected
10 important guidance in times of danger that could save your life someday not neglected

Human exposed almost daily to many serious and that may amount to a threat to life or safety and health of things and this is a natural thing to a certain extent, there is no safe place hundred percent can not be for a person to give itself completely free of risk environment, but what we can do is to trying to minimize these risks as much as possible and also try to avoid falling into situations that may cause us to danger and threaten our safety. We have put together for you some of the tricks and ideas that must be followed in order to avoid and reduce the likelihood of exposure to risk, which may harm you directly. Follow these tips and guidelines, and other even yourself to avoid the consequences of hazards, God forbid.

1. Do not use a mobile phone while walking on public roads because you will not pay attention to the road and you are browsing the mobile and especially if nothing attracts attention like social networking sites and others and be careful not to put the earphones too loudly in your ears and you're in public places also hated God forbid may happen and you do not know anything because of higher surround sound that comes out of the speaker or may not pay attention to a car that runs on the road is located in immediate danger.

2. Do not open a life jacket, but after getting out of the plane and that in the case of falling into the sea, God forbid. Experts say that the person that opened a life jacket inside the Flyer will pop up in the ceiling will not be able to get out. But the correct way is to take a deep breath and floating out of the plane and then opens a life jacket to float its highest water.

3. If it happens and someone is choking due to swallowing an object dam breathing port and began a person in a choke can be rescued by the stuck person from behind and grab your hand higher navel and strengthens the other fist with your hand and put pressure on the belly of a person strongly up until the body comes out strange episode. If this trick did not work, try to make him bend on something like a horizontal edge of a table or a chair and press his belly above the belly button down these edge in order to produce pressure quickly up and repeat the process until the body out.

4. Know the limits and capabilities of your body. Your body can withstand without air for 3 minutes and a maximum duration of three days without a drink for a period of three weeks without food and this maximum. Can also stand for 3 hours in the weather conditions were fatal.

5. If a fire broke out because of the oil in your home Never try to extinguish them with water so you will cause a disaster. But if you want to extinguishes the flames Ped cover Hilla or bowl burning quietly and will be extinguished due to lack of oxygen Allazn burned.

6. If you get the entry of a foreign object to your body like a knife or a nail or anything sharp beware to remove it on your own because you once you Tnzaaha will start bleeding heavily, but its presence in the place closes the wound and prevent further loss of blood, a deadly thing in such cases.

7. In the event of a fire, God forbid, do not stand on your feet and you're trying to get out of the place if the place was the principle of the smoke, but stay close to the ground as possible so out of safety because of smoke inhalation is the factor most dangerous in case of fire and has to lose human consciousness has exacerbated it . But you stay low, it reduces this possibility.

8. If you feel that you are not okay in a public place, ask for help from someone one specific and do not leave yourself worsen your condition without asking the help of one person because, according to psychological statistics, when you ask for help from the one person the sense of responsibility more than he has, and will help you personally, but if the hated occurred amid a lot of people will throw everyone help carry on the rest of the people, and so no one will help you.

9. Carry always leaves that indicate the identity and the names of the medicines you take down the chronic diseases that you have which will help people if you signed an aversive, God forbid, to get to know you and give you the right medicine.

10. Carry always been a strong flashlight in case Circus at night and if you feel that someone Ataatbek purpose of infringement you or stole, do Bembagtth directing strong light in the face and will cause sudden act to disrupt the abuser for a moment of time, which gives you a good chance to escape.

We hope it will not Tsadfoa none of these positions and that God keep you from evil.

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