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dimanche 19 mars 2017

14 Foods You Shouldn't Keep in the Fridge

14 Foods You Shouldn't Keep in the Fridge 

There are various items that can lose their healthful esteem, taste, and surface before long at frosty temperatures. 

We at Bright Side set up together a rundown of 14 sustenances you shouldn't store in the fridge. 


14 Foods You Shouldn't Keep in the Fridge
14 Foods You Shouldn't Keep in the Fridge 

When you put unripened avocados in the ice chest, they rapidly start to retain dampness through their skin and get delicate. It's best to store avocados in an organic product bowl. 

10 amazing inventions that have changed the way we live radically

Inventions and innovations will facilitate a lot of lifestyles in the future

We see every day many, many new innovations and awe-inspiring, which aims to solve the problem of life problems for as long as we checked them for a solution. These amazing inventions not only indicate that we live in a rapidly evolving and changing world where lifestyles which change dramatically overnight Hardly a day goes by but we hear through the existence of a new invention and innovation of different it is surprising that the amount of development in this world, not only this but we also marvel at and look to the inventors of these things look impressive and appreciation to their best effort to ease some of the things of our lives. We'll show you some of these amazing inventions and leave you free reign them if they are useful to you or not.

samedi 18 mars 2017

See how the features of presidents changed from the beginning to the end of their rule

Forms presidents before and after their term of presidential duties

Bpma be fixed wisdom in this life is that it is going forward and that time does not stop, and as the human limits of limited time he grows older every day from the day before not stop this man, but at the end of his life. As the different professions affect the overall shape of the person who has to make it appear larger enactment of age or smaller than a year by stress and fatigue suffered by him during his work, including the rights to change his features greater the age, and he showed Signs of old age and aging, the features of the person to change, of course not be fixed at all. Among the more onerous tasks in the world is the task of administration, especially the come the responsibility of the state administration through its chairman. Therefore, we find that the presidents or those who work them hard show them the features of aging and age compared to other tasks of the most comfortable for the owners of these tasks.

lundi 13 mars 2017

10 innovations and inventions must be generalized and applied to facilitate the life of our issues

Amazing innovations and solutions for many of our daily problems will be solved

We all face some life problems during the day, which may make our lives difficult to some extent and consume our activity and our strength to try to overcome them every time where we can not do without all the things that we do are difficult because they are important things for us already. From this point of people from around the world began to develop and Apetkra easy ideas to simplify things in our lives we can perform everyday tasks without having to consume a lot of our time, or our efforts. After all, we appreciate the effort done by anyone in order to facilitate our lives and solving everyday problems that confront us. Below you will find some of the amazing inventions and innovations devised by some people for us we have our utmost respect.

mercredi 8 mars 2017

10 people failed to use the technology are very funny

People do not seem to know how to use technology and technological devices

10 people failed to use the technology are very funny
10 people failed to use the technology are very funny

Our generation is very lucky being exists in a world full of technology that facilitates it almost every aspect of his life unlike primitive life which was experienced by those who were before us and that are free of the manifestations of the technology, but not without a manifestation of intelligence and circumvent the problems of life. Some people use the technology in large and small in all their lives, others hated use without logical reason. And between these and these are no use letting off steam technology and technological devices, but the wrong way such persons who will Nardhm you.

Private buildings and construction stupid mistakes make us doubt the mental capacity to perpetrators

Silly actions carried out by the other in the buildings and construction

Private buildings and construction stupid mistakes make us doubt the mental capacity to perpetrators
Private buildings and construction stupid mistakes make us doubt the mental capacity to perpetrators

Graduating each year thousands of Faculty of Engineering and begin the journey of their careers in terms of design and construction. What we see around us of reconstruction and construction of buildings and came out of the minds of these skilled engineers experienced this course of study in colleges and supposed to do. On the other side there are some people who Duds Nzboa unjustly engineers to class and shared designs silly and even stupid erections often, and perhaps many of us may have encountered a building or design or create a stupid idea or illogical design! Every time you see where such constructions, the first thing you think of is that the person who designed and built and how stated him to do so from the ground up! We'll show you examples of some of the absurd constructions as well as some silly behavior in the world of construction and construction, which makes us wonder who Qmwa out!

vendredi 3 mars 2017

10 commercials silent with innovative ideas deserve respect

Smart ideas used by some international companies to advertise their products

Who among us has not seen the marketing ads, whether on television or the Internet, or even on the roadside while traveling! Of course, no one can deny that this propaganda very important role in influencing the consumer to convince him to buy the product. The companies are racing to advertise their product in an attractive and unconventional ideas because the consumer may return the vernacular methods was not necessary to invent new methods to flatten his attention. Some companies apply the silent advertising campaigns but influential and creative, such as those that will see in this issue, where companies relied on the idea of ​​marketing to attract the consumer Slatha new idea. See these attempts and judge for yourself.

10 images show how photographers get the amazing photos smart and very simple ways

Photos show the simplicity of photography

10 images show how photographers get the amazing photos smart and very simple ways
10 images show how photographers get the amazing photos smart and very simple ways

See all photos and wonder how it was filmed these images are excellent manner, but in conditions that seem impossible and imagine that they spend a lot of money and effort to capture these images but the truth is that they are working intelligently Viltqton better pictures without even spending a penny in some cases. We will show you examples of some of the photographs, which show that the paparazzi no limit to the creativity and the exploitation of the surrounding circumstances to bring out the best image of the lowest cost.

jeudi 2 mars 2017

10 strange coincidence of similarities between the appearance of some of the people and other things funny

Images of similar things make us wonder about his appearance is best

Since we were young they compare between us and other people or other things. For example, they compare between you look and feel your brother or your sister when Tertdon similar things. Not only this, but they sometimes compare between you and Freezers or things like when you're wearing a T-shirt funny colors were telling you, "You look like the carpet in this funny clothes." It's not finished when we grew up, but that such ridiculous comparisons continued with us and Ahaktna to this day. In this issue we'll show you some of the funny things is fantastic comparisons did not expect to be proficient similarities between them to such a degree.

samedi 25 février 2017

10 important guidance in times of danger that could save your life someday not neglected

The task of tricks to deal in the positions of danger

10 important guidance in times of danger that could save your life someday not neglected
10 important guidance in times of danger that could save your life someday not neglected

Human exposed almost daily to many serious and that may amount to a threat to life or safety and health of things and this is a natural thing to a certain extent, there is no safe place hundred percent can not be for a person to give itself completely free of risk environment, but what we can do is to trying to minimize these risks as much as possible and also try to avoid falling into situations that may cause us to danger and threaten our safety. We have put together for you some of the tricks and ideas that must be followed in order to avoid and reduce the likelihood of exposure to risk, which may harm you directly. Follow these tips and guidelines, and other even yourself to avoid the consequences of hazards, God forbid.

samedi 4 février 2017

This is the secret behind the seats adjust the plane vertically during take-off and landing

Have you ever wondered why airline seats should be in an upright position during take-off ?

This is the secret behind the seats adjust the plane vertically during take-off and landing
This is the secret behind the seats adjust the plane vertically during take-off and landing

Most of us boarded the plane even for one at least once and is always some instructions directing the first flight of a crew like putting the seat in the rectum situation during take-off and during landing, but did you ever wondered why ask us to that ?!
If you were not been installed plane before you'll also need to know this information so as to be in a state of readiness when Ahudt anything (God forbid), and from this information that the closure of the seats only works if the seats in the upright locking mechanism, and also put the seats in this situation allows space for passengers who sit behind you to get out of their seats faster in case of emergency, and also there are a lot of other information that you should know, just continue reading until you have a full awareness of when boarding the plane again.

vendredi 3 février 2017

Pictures: people have turned the forms found in the streets to an amazing and funny works of art

People added artistic touch on the things that are on the street and have perfected the art of the streets

Pictures: people have turned the forms found in the streets to an amazing and funny works of art
Pictures: people have turned the forms found in the streets to an amazing and funny works of art

No limits to the human imagination, which is positioned to invent new things. If we mentioned the imagination, of course, we have to mention people with artistic sense because they are mostly more people imagination owners. Some of these people the technical abilities in the streets decorate and give new graphics inspired imagination took advantage of taking advantage of the circumstances surrounding that helped them take out technical Thvhm the best possible way, and some of these works of art made by people in the streets in their cities.

Pictures: 10 funny and cynical attitudes have spread in the last period on the Internet

Photo funny moments experienced by some people around the world

Pictures: 10 funny and cynical attitudes have spread in the last period on the Internet
Pictures: 10 funny and cynical attitudes have spread in the last period on the Internet

We can not imagine our lives without the presence of joyful laughter and attitudes that we are experiencing in our workers, so it is creative in humans inventing funny things to bring happiness to balance the hardships of life and its troubles so that we can continue our lives together with its good and hard. These are some situations in which we hope to enter pleasing to your hearts, and that paint a smile on their faces because of the element of humor found and shared by some of the people with us.

Pictures: Celebrities from different eras, but they are alike as if they were twins

Celebrities are like the people from the past in support of the theory of "creating a resemblance to forty"

Do you look like your father or your mother or anyone in your family? If the answer is yes, this is quite normal and nothing surprising or confusing. But what if I told you that you look like someone who lived in the era of the pharaohs or famous people have no connection between you and him of any kind! Will surely be surprised and perplexing to have this matter. After all, this thing has already happened to some celebrities, where we have found that there are people celebrities including decades, but they are alike scary to the point might make you suspect that among them relatives, or they may have traveled through time and perhaps relieve your mind as soon as you say that (creates resemblance Forty)! Here's some of these similarities bizarre and erotic puzzled.

mardi 17 janvier 2017

Uncover the mystery behind the most famous designs logos of international companies

Some of the most famous emblems of hidden meaning, which we did not know before

It turns out that some of the most famous emblems in the world has been designed to indicate something more than just being a label. We see in most of these badges to each line, or curved, or even a specific color carries meaning and significance, even if we do not teach but the truth is that there is hidden behind a sign or so they told us. Here's interpretation of the emblems of some of the most famous companies in the world.


Uncover the mystery behind the most famous designs logos of international companies
Uncover the mystery behind the most famous designs logos of international companies

Many believe that the hallmark of the brand Alheiundaa (South Korean company in the field of cars) as referring to the first letter of the name brand, but in fact symbolized by the letter H in Alheiundaa to two people, the first is the client and the second is the representative of Hyundai as they shook hands as you can see in the picture.


Adidas name due to the founder of this company, which Adolf Dazlr, and I've logo pure change this company through the passage of time, but it always includes three lines heading to a certain angle and be three lines form a triangle. It symbolizes this form to the mountain, which in turn reflect on the challenges that every athlete who must overcome.

Apple company

Is a rap Yanov is the primary designer who own logo invented this giant company, and has to explain what is behind this logo and what it stands for, he said, "I bought a bag of apples, you placing them in a large bowl, and I spent a lot of time Orsmanm for a week, trying to reach through it It is simple to code, and then you eat an apple is part of an experiment, and I realized by chance that this part (bite) is very similar to mini-computer unit in a byte, "and then the design based on this idea.

Sony Vaio Company

The first two letters of your logo by Sony Vaio refers to the wave-like code it represents Alonalog, while the final two letters indicates in turn refers to the numbers 1 and 0, and is considered a symbol refers to a digital sign as well.


From first glance, we find that the private Logos Foundation Amazon does not symbolize anything special or vague, but this logo has been designed company affecting the mind, as symbolized by the orange arrow to smile in a way as if the company wants all its customers to feel satisfied, and we find that this arrow extending from the letter A to Z character it symbolizes that the company sells all products from A to Z.

Continental Corporation

Continental Inc. is a producer of tires, it contains Logos own this company on several characters. We note that the first two letters Asoura the form of a car wheel, because it is, of course, the company specializes in automobile tires.

Do you know the meanings of the symbols of these companies before?

samedi 14 janvier 2017

Artist. He converted the things in his house to live amazing pictures show imagination

Javier Perez, an artist who transforms anything to the complete features of the image

Artist. He converted the things in his house to live amazing pictures show imagination
Artist. He converted the things in his house to live amazing pictures show imagination

One of the artists Javier Perez called draw some simple images, using some of the elements that are found in almost all of our homes and posted on his account in Instagram and received these pictures renown and admiration of many and won many followers after the publication of these images. In fact, these images characteristic of the many aspects and you will discover it yourself it is alive and creative and with a distinct and different idea images. Javier was the work of a special shop him to sell his designs on T-shirts, bags and more. We leave you with these stunning images below.

1. Most of us saw pictures bottles containing boats inside, but Javier another opinion where he drew the boat on the bottle instead of the design inside.

2. If any of us this Stocking we will wear it as normal but Javier does not miss an opportunity like this and make the form Stocking contribute to the work of a vivid picture of a zebra.

3. As a grape or cherry can not go without so that it enters the artistic touch and added to the image of a child like a balloon carries.

4. Most of us eat and enjoy Alldoritus Btamh but Javier not only in eating used where it can be to cut Alldoritus be at noon for a giant dinosaur.

5. Javier took advantage of the difference in size between the old Filoba disk and memory card and sent them some hands-drawn and written above them (Holiday father happy).

6. Even Aloorio could not pass without modification of Javier and add his touch to carve him some padding around the drawing suggests that they Globe.

7. It seems that Javier had looked to Filter Results used felt that exploits the rail segment in the mid and draws upon personal Frankenstein to look like this.

8. Javier imagination really wide and we can not deny it. How the idea came to him that this iron machine can be tapped to be the form of this cartoon funny shapes.

9. cloves tangerine are also its artistic importance for Javier they are like the kidneys and exploited by adding a simple confirm this strange similarity.

10. We also took advantage of cutting sweets and draw around it like a private table to play billiards here is the start of play.

What do you think this art do you know a person with artistic talent Kkhaveir?

10 wonderful things from around the world should not miss seeing it

Wonders from around the world probably did not know existed before today

10 wonderful things from around the world should not miss seeing it
10 wonderful things from around the world should not miss seeing it

World teeming with a lot of bizarre and strange things that do not stop. For as long as we come across wonders in our lives and that made us expect that we have seen everything possible in this vast world, but come the shock when you know that what I saw is something that does not mention compared wonders and wacky in this world, and that every day show us everywhere. We will show you today pictures of wonderful things from around the world may make you surprised because of the bizarre things they do not see every day.

1. This is the deepest pool in the world with a length of 113 feet and holds approximately 600 thousand gallons of water.

2. This thing you see is a child's skull before losing deciduous teeth, showing teeth and permanent molars clearly higher primary teeth.

3. When there is the need Vanma there will be innovation or invention of such persons who took advantage of the old trolley to be a bridge over the waterway.

4. do not need to rub your eyes This is not blurred, but the cabins are carved in this way to look like a malfunction in the electronic image of the phrase.

5. This is not a spaceship but normal cloud formed this strange shape.

6. As this is the intersection between the path and the path of a car in Ghebraltar Airport airport and show cars and is awaiting passage of the plane.

7. This is not a masterpiece, but is a lizard skin has Boukalaa once in a cycle of skin change.

8. probably will not believe me, but this one picture of one place and not four pictures. Focused well and will make sure of yourself.

9. This magnificent thing that you see is a result of cabbage from the inside when cut in half. Nothing spectacular.

10. As this machine are curiosities machine to monitor the bricks on the floor of the place in a coordinated and well-groomed, which saves time and effort.

Have you seen these things before?