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samedi 18 mars 2017

See how the features of presidents changed from the beginning to the end of their rule

Forms presidents before and after their term of presidential duties

Bpma be fixed wisdom in this life is that it is going forward and that time does not stop, and as the human limits of limited time he grows older every day from the day before not stop this man, but at the end of his life. As the different professions affect the overall shape of the person who has to make it appear larger enactment of age or smaller than a year by stress and fatigue suffered by him during his work, including the rights to change his features greater the age, and he showed Signs of old age and aging, the features of the person to change, of course not be fixed at all. Among the more onerous tasks in the world is the task of administration, especially the come the responsibility of the state administration through its chairman. Therefore, we find that the presidents or those who work them hard show them the features of aging and age compared to other tasks of the most comfortable for the owners of these tasks.

We'll show you pictures of some of the most famous presidents who have changed their forms and their physical appearance during their period have entered their physical appearance and it seems tiny and came out carrying them aging and remarkable progress in the features of age.

1. President Obama, who took power in 2008 and continued for two terms to 2016.

2. President Dwight Eisenhower, who began his reign in 1953 and continued his rule until 1961.

3. famous President John F. Kennedy, who took power in 1961 did not continue in the long rule, where he was assassinated in 1963, and though his features have changed in such a short period.

4. President Franklin Roosevelt, who ruled during the period from 1933 to 1945 and it seems clear that his features had changed sharply and significantly.

5. President Richard Nixon that his reign lasted from 1969 until 1973.

6. President Abraham Lincoln that his reign lasted for four years from 1861 until 1865, however, it seems that his features had Schacht and changed dramatically.

7. President Ronald Reagan, who ruled from 1981 until 1989.

8. President Harry Truman, who extended his rule for eight years from 1945 until 1953.

9. President Bill Clinton, who took the reins of the rule of the United States in 1993 and continued until 2001.

10. President George W. Bush of the United States ruled from 2001 to 2008.

The common denominator in all of these images is that the features of these presidents have changed significantly during the period of their rule.

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