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mercredi 8 mars 2017

10 people failed to use the technology are very funny

People do not seem to know how to use technology and technological devices

10 people failed to use the technology are very funny
10 people failed to use the technology are very funny

Our generation is very lucky being exists in a world full of technology that facilitates it almost every aspect of his life unlike primitive life which was experienced by those who were before us and that are free of the manifestations of the technology, but not without a manifestation of intelligence and circumvent the problems of life. Some people use the technology in large and small in all their lives, others hated use without logical reason. And between these and these are no use letting off steam technology and technological devices, but the wrong way such persons who will Nardhm you.

1. When you hear the advice of someone tells you that you should clean your motherboard for your computer and it certainly did not mean that you cleaned using water!

2. Let me try to understand this situation. Maybe this printer have perished and no longer works. Well, you can be recycled or sold to those who buy them, but certainly not the best option for planting vegetation.

3. This grandmother did not invoke the use of digital cameras, it seems, where I expected it, such as cameras that were in her generation and used in this way. A lot of beautiful moments documentation will you lose this way, my grandmother.

4. It seems that someone had predicted that can be charged to your TV's remote by placing it on your telephone charger. Maybe you will wait too long to no avail, my dear.

5. We have heard about the existence of people are taking their laptops and use them in restaurants or cafeterias but this is the first time I know that you can take your PC with you too.

6. One of them says that when he returned home he found that his mother had put the computer at such a high figure and explained the act as a forecast that this will help her pick up on the Internet better.

7. This reminds me of a story that I heard in the past that people went to a professional computer and told him that the tea cup holder no longer works, and when asked what do you mean tea cup holder discovered that he intended lending CD port.

8. said that the mother of this young man had a problem in finding the Office programs arose this young man portraying himself refers to Open Office in place an icon on your computer even help her find the program.

9. One person says that his mother photographed the mobile screen using the printer because they were not know how to take a picture of the screen mobile phone. As long as the idea serve their purpose we can not Nlomha.

10. It seems that this parameter does not know that it can turn off the computer screen in a way better than screen mode this oddly shaped.

Do you have among your family and peers of the things with such technological devices?

See also:

10 funny pictures of people during the holidays will make you praise God that you were not with them

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