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samedi 4 février 2017

This is the secret behind the seats adjust the plane vertically during take-off and landing

Have you ever wondered why airline seats should be in an upright position during take-off ?

This is the secret behind the seats adjust the plane vertically during take-off and landing
This is the secret behind the seats adjust the plane vertically during take-off and landing

Most of us boarded the plane even for one at least once and is always some instructions directing the first flight of a crew like putting the seat in the rectum situation during take-off and during landing, but did you ever wondered why ask us to that ?!
If you were not been installed plane before you'll also need to know this information so as to be in a state of readiness when Ahudt anything (God forbid), and from this information that the closure of the seats only works if the seats in the upright locking mechanism, and also put the seats in this situation allows space for passengers who sit behind you to get out of their seats faster in case of emergency, and also there are a lot of other information that you should know, just continue reading until you have a full awareness of when boarding the plane again.

1. quitting process is dangerous

Quitting time is a double-overtime dangerous pass out the trip, so it must be in your seat upright during takeoff.

2. plane seats are placed in this way for a reason

A specific design for the places of plane seats not only for comfort but also for easy evacuation when needed.

3. rectal situation is the most secure

The lock mechanism is activated in the seat only when it is in an upright position.

4. sometimes resort to evictions

No one likes to think about it, but the truth is that you may have to the evacuation of the plane, and the presence of the seat in the rectum situation makes evacuation easier and faster for everyone.

5. This situation may be useful in times like these!

Of contained incidents that occur during the plane ride (God forbid), and put the seat in the rectum situation makes the eviction process easier and faster so that the crew can accomplish this task faster.

6. must pass all tests severe safety seats

Before the installation of the seats in the plane, must pass tests of security and safety, these tests are very difficult even ensure the protection and security of passengers, experiments have shown that the development of the seats in the straight position is safer for passengers.

7. plane seats are subject to the test as they do with car seats

The experts prepare a rigorous testing of the aircraft seats and imagine worst-case scenarios that could occur as a result of the plane crash part or resort to the emergency landing until they get accurate results for the safety of passengers.

8. maintain the aircraft's center of gravity is important

Sit in the seats of the rectum situation ensures that the body weight will be supported through the lower back and this is the right situation, but when you put the seats in italics situation, your body weight will be based on the middle or upper back and this is what may hurt your back.

9. To ensure the protection of yourself better

The protection process be yourself during periods of danger in case of emergency when the best seats are in the upright.

10. You never know when disaster will fall

No one expects when the disaster will occur and we must not think about the disaster throughout the trip so you do not get panicky, but if I felt that there was confusion between the state of the crew, you should first put the seat in the rectum situation until you are ready.

11. prepare properly in case of emergency

You must be alert and ready for a state of emergency for the presence of the seat in the rectum situation ensures you the correct and proper readiness.

12. landing time is of the most dangerous times that pass Trip

Landing is like a takeoff of the most dangerous times experienced by the flight so it must be a seat in the rectum situation.

I think you may be convinced that the best position is to set the plane's seat vertically for your safety.

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