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vendredi 3 mars 2017

10 commercials silent with innovative ideas deserve respect

Smart ideas used by some international companies to advertise their products

Who among us has not seen the marketing ads, whether on television or the Internet, or even on the roadside while traveling! Of course, no one can deny that this propaganda very important role in influencing the consumer to convince him to buy the product. The companies are racing to advertise their product in an attractive and unconventional ideas because the consumer may return the vernacular methods was not necessary to invent new methods to flatten his attention. Some companies apply the silent advertising campaigns but influential and creative, such as those that will see in this issue, where companies relied on the idea of ​​marketing to attract the consumer Slatha new idea. See these attempts and judge for yourself.

1. This idea is very clever as these belong to the car brand tissue paper and the idea is to link the cloth part on the rear of the car and is volatile with the movement to give the sense that the person in the picture uses these napkins.

2. This idea is particularly special training equipment company adidas, where it refers to the fact that their equipment to help you stay standing upright all the time.

3. What may be the best advertisement for chocolate KIT KAT put a chair to the public for the rest it in the form of a piece of chocolate Kit Kat!

4. This three-dimensional advertisement for the National Geographic Channel makes you feel like you're in the heart of the event of hyper-realism.

5. Even the rising steam from Oguettih septic tanks have been exploited by a coffee companies to advertise their product. Perhaps the idea up to the consumer, but I do not think it's the best idea!

6. The tunnel has been exploited by one of vacuum cleaners companies and made him look like a Ishvt cars from this vacuum suction force.

7. It seems that the company "Nike" used one of the influential ways to advertise their products through the development of shoes N chair to sit down and wrote it "had" no do not sit, but continued to run the Nike boots. Although the idea is new, but I said I had to sit in a chair like this and did not find it will hit the furious at this company!

8. As for the idea they are truly innovative in that it belongs to an insurance company apparently developed this poster to suggest that life is full of unpleasant surprises in order to urge people to handle it and insurance on their property to them.

9. If you had a heart cough tired of your voice if you use these sugars sterile throat will back your voice to nature, or at least that's what the cover suggests the form of these sugars.

10. McDonald's Corporation is the other did not miss these creative ideas and has an advertisement in the street somewhere footpath to footpath seems like a delicious potato bag provided by McDonald's.

What do you think of this type of advertising?

See also:

Pictures: Celebrities from different eras, but they are alike as if they were twins

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