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vendredi 3 mars 2017

10 images show how photographers get the amazing photos smart and very simple ways

Photos show the simplicity of photography

10 images show how photographers get the amazing photos smart and very simple ways
10 images show how photographers get the amazing photos smart and very simple ways

See all photos and wonder how it was filmed these images are excellent manner, but in conditions that seem impossible and imagine that they spend a lot of money and effort to capture these images but the truth is that they are working intelligently Viltqton better pictures without even spending a penny in some cases. We will show you examples of some of the photographs, which show that the paparazzi no limit to the creativity and the exploitation of the surrounding circumstances to bring out the best image of the lowest cost.

1. In this image you might think that this young man was filmed underwater and marvel at the steadfastness Ddon taking the same but the truth is that it was shot down by a glass of water basin to give that feeling.

2. Some images Alosatirah us Ntadjb breathtaking beauty of such a picture, which, in fact, a hero standing in front of the stunning backdrop of this form.

3. You will be surprised to know that this stunning picture is the simplest of simplicity, where it's just a picture of the surface of the glass drops of water beneath some of the candy.

4. This person knows how to pick a smart image where a black background and put the spray water to Abddo Kolonh rain down on the parachute.

5. Even the most expensive brands pictures can be simpler than simple like this stunning image that exploited the background laptop to come out of this magnificent picture.

6. If you think that this image has been photographed difficult and expensive way shock here where he was photographed in a pool of water.

7. You may think that this is a picture of a frightening storm but it's really just a clever visual impact.

8. Even some movie scenes are just a small cut outs to minimize the cost and effort.

9. If you wonder how the picture was taken here's a solution that has been photographed from this angle.

10. Even images of children can be edited where to look such a stunning figure.

What do you think of these pictures?

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