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dimanche 19 mars 2017

14 Foods You Shouldn't Keep in the Fridge

14 Foods You Shouldn't Keep in the Fridge 

There are various items that can lose their healthful esteem, taste, and surface before long at frosty temperatures. 

We at Bright Side set up together a rundown of 14 sustenances you shouldn't store in the fridge. 


14 Foods You Shouldn't Keep in the Fridge
14 Foods You Shouldn't Keep in the Fridge 

When you put unripened avocados in the ice chest, they rapidly start to retain dampness through their skin and get delicate. It's best to store avocados in an organic product bowl. 


Keeping potatoes at a temperature beneath 7°с (44°F) will make them taste offensively sweet. Rather than placing potatoes in the cooler, store them in a paper pack in a cool (yet not frosty) put. 


At chilly temperatures precious stones of sucrose in the chocolate turn out at first glance to frame an upsetting white sprout. Thus, the item loses its normal flavor. 

Tropical natural products 

Tropical natural products rapidly go spoiled and get to be distinctly hurtful when set in the cooler. You can wrap them in a few layers of paper and store them in a dry dull place. 


The ice chest isn't the perfect place for keeping basil. It will shrink quicker and retain the various smells around it. It's ideal to place it in some water, similar to cut blooms. 

Green beans 

Putting green beans in the fridge will make them lose their valuable properties. You can solidify the crisp beans and appreciate them throughout the entire year. 


The dampness in the ice chest will in the long run turn onions delicate and make them unfit for utilization. What's more, unnecessary dampness encourages the development of unsafe microscopic organisms and shape. 


You ought to never keep espresso in the ice chest: it can go up against a portion of the scents of different sustenances and lose its remarkable flavor. Store it some place cool and dim where it can hold its best qualities. Be that as it may, bigger measures of espresso can be kept in the cooler. 

Olive oil 

It's prescribed to store olive oil at temperatures from +12 to +16°C (from 53 to 60°F). It'll pick up a harder consistency when put in the refrigerator. 


Chilly and dampness increment the speed of the crystallization of nectar. Thus, it quickly loses its taste and medical advantages. Nonetheless, this nutritious sustenance will remain great everlastingly on the off chance that you keep it in a firmly fixed jug at room temperature. 


The fridge isn't the best stockpiling site for tomatoes since the cool air stops the maturing procedure. Icy temperatures influence the taste and surface of the tomatoes and make them soft. 


A few people imagine that putting away bread in the cooler is the most ideal approach to keep it new. Actually, nothing dries out bread and makes it stale more than the ice chest. In the event that you have more bread than you require, you can simply make crunchy bread chips from it. 


Eggplants are additionally very touchy to the chilly temperature inside the ice chest. They turn out to be delicate and set at first glance, so it's ideal to keep them at room temperature. 


Whenever refrigerated, bananas rapidly turn dark and look outwardly unappealing. When you see bananas with dark spots in the store it doesn't mean they are ready: this is on account of they haven't been put away appropriately amid transportation.

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