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vendredi 3 février 2017

Pictures: people have turned the forms found in the streets to an amazing and funny works of art

People added artistic touch on the things that are on the street and have perfected the art of the streets

Pictures: people have turned the forms found in the streets to an amazing and funny works of art
Pictures: people have turned the forms found in the streets to an amazing and funny works of art

No limits to the human imagination, which is positioned to invent new things. If we mentioned the imagination, of course, we have to mention people with artistic sense because they are mostly more people imagination owners. Some of these people the technical abilities in the streets decorate and give new graphics inspired imagination took advantage of taking advantage of the circumstances surrounding that helped them take out technical Thvhm the best possible way, and some of these works of art made by people in the streets in their cities.

1. One of them took advantage of the power adapter or a phone box and drawing it a microcosm of a large building may have looked like the main building located the back.

2. Do you know the figure, "Qracah" who loves cookies. Well, it seems that someone has put two eyes above the litter box to become a semi-personal has also put his piece of biscuit.

3. frustrates some people when falling snow and obliterate their cars landmarks, but the artist creator has another opinion draw funny faces on the glass of their cars instead of frustration.

4. As these people will not endure visually hearts if what they saw on the street would think that someone Mayoros under the building, but in fact anthropomorphic placed next to the building.

5. One of them took advantage of the presence of a series between the two sides and painted on one side like a girl will walk on this series outstretched balance and agility.

6. Although it is a very ordinary picture of the two boxes next to each other, but the sense of the artist has added a very simple painting but it has changed the outlook for these funds is very large.

7. It is said that the column Leaning on the street do not benefit from it! You can do such a person who painted the tower of Pisa on the column and around the column italic broken into a work of art.

8. Who among us does not know this famous game? If you know you'll understand the idea of ​​this picture. My concern is whether the municipality will agree to this amendment?

9. Although this template can not see it gives us any artistic instinct, but the artist has added another opinion artistic element made us sympathize with this poor template.

10. The idea of ​​this kind will not be understood by only know that the shape drawn on the second line is Lugo respect to one of the types of detergents. This painting suggests that this is white clean line because it is washed with this detergent.

What do you think of this art?

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