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samedi 14 janvier 2017

Artist. He converted the things in his house to live amazing pictures show imagination

Javier Perez, an artist who transforms anything to the complete features of the image

Artist. He converted the things in his house to live amazing pictures show imagination
Artist. He converted the things in his house to live amazing pictures show imagination

One of the artists Javier Perez called draw some simple images, using some of the elements that are found in almost all of our homes and posted on his account in Instagram and received these pictures renown and admiration of many and won many followers after the publication of these images. In fact, these images characteristic of the many aspects and you will discover it yourself it is alive and creative and with a distinct and different idea images. Javier was the work of a special shop him to sell his designs on T-shirts, bags and more. We leave you with these stunning images below.

1. Most of us saw pictures bottles containing boats inside, but Javier another opinion where he drew the boat on the bottle instead of the design inside.

2. If any of us this Stocking we will wear it as normal but Javier does not miss an opportunity like this and make the form Stocking contribute to the work of a vivid picture of a zebra.

3. As a grape or cherry can not go without so that it enters the artistic touch and added to the image of a child like a balloon carries.

4. Most of us eat and enjoy Alldoritus Btamh but Javier not only in eating used where it can be to cut Alldoritus be at noon for a giant dinosaur.

5. Javier took advantage of the difference in size between the old Filoba disk and memory card and sent them some hands-drawn and written above them (Holiday father happy).

6. Even Aloorio could not pass without modification of Javier and add his touch to carve him some padding around the drawing suggests that they Globe.

7. It seems that Javier had looked to Filter Results used felt that exploits the rail segment in the mid and draws upon personal Frankenstein to look like this.

8. Javier imagination really wide and we can not deny it. How the idea came to him that this iron machine can be tapped to be the form of this cartoon funny shapes.

9. cloves tangerine are also its artistic importance for Javier they are like the kidneys and exploited by adding a simple confirm this strange similarity.

10. We also took advantage of cutting sweets and draw around it like a private table to play billiards here is the start of play.

What do you think this art do you know a person with artistic talent Kkhaveir?

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