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dimanche 19 mars 2017

14 Foods You Shouldn't Keep in the Fridge

14 Foods You Shouldn't Keep in the Fridge 

There are various items that can lose their healthful esteem, taste, and surface before long at frosty temperatures. 

We at Bright Side set up together a rundown of 14 sustenances you shouldn't store in the fridge. 


14 Foods You Shouldn't Keep in the Fridge
14 Foods You Shouldn't Keep in the Fridge 

When you put unripened avocados in the ice chest, they rapidly start to retain dampness through their skin and get delicate. It's best to store avocados in an organic product bowl. 

10 amazing inventions that have changed the way we live radically

Inventions and innovations will facilitate a lot of lifestyles in the future

We see every day many, many new innovations and awe-inspiring, which aims to solve the problem of life problems for as long as we checked them for a solution. These amazing inventions not only indicate that we live in a rapidly evolving and changing world where lifestyles which change dramatically overnight Hardly a day goes by but we hear through the existence of a new invention and innovation of different it is surprising that the amount of development in this world, not only this but we also marvel at and look to the inventors of these things look impressive and appreciation to their best effort to ease some of the things of our lives. We'll show you some of these amazing inventions and leave you free reign them if they are useful to you or not.

samedi 18 mars 2017

See how the features of presidents changed from the beginning to the end of their rule

Forms presidents before and after their term of presidential duties

Bpma be fixed wisdom in this life is that it is going forward and that time does not stop, and as the human limits of limited time he grows older every day from the day before not stop this man, but at the end of his life. As the different professions affect the overall shape of the person who has to make it appear larger enactment of age or smaller than a year by stress and fatigue suffered by him during his work, including the rights to change his features greater the age, and he showed Signs of old age and aging, the features of the person to change, of course not be fixed at all. Among the more onerous tasks in the world is the task of administration, especially the come the responsibility of the state administration through its chairman. Therefore, we find that the presidents or those who work them hard show them the features of aging and age compared to other tasks of the most comfortable for the owners of these tasks.

lundi 13 mars 2017

10 innovations and inventions must be generalized and applied to facilitate the life of our issues

Amazing innovations and solutions for many of our daily problems will be solved

We all face some life problems during the day, which may make our lives difficult to some extent and consume our activity and our strength to try to overcome them every time where we can not do without all the things that we do are difficult because they are important things for us already. From this point of people from around the world began to develop and Apetkra easy ideas to simplify things in our lives we can perform everyday tasks without having to consume a lot of our time, or our efforts. After all, we appreciate the effort done by anyone in order to facilitate our lives and solving everyday problems that confront us. Below you will find some of the amazing inventions and innovations devised by some people for us we have our utmost respect.

mercredi 8 mars 2017

10 people failed to use the technology are very funny

People do not seem to know how to use technology and technological devices

10 people failed to use the technology are very funny
10 people failed to use the technology are very funny

Our generation is very lucky being exists in a world full of technology that facilitates it almost every aspect of his life unlike primitive life which was experienced by those who were before us and that are free of the manifestations of the technology, but not without a manifestation of intelligence and circumvent the problems of life. Some people use the technology in large and small in all their lives, others hated use without logical reason. And between these and these are no use letting off steam technology and technological devices, but the wrong way such persons who will Nardhm you.

Private buildings and construction stupid mistakes make us doubt the mental capacity to perpetrators

Silly actions carried out by the other in the buildings and construction

Private buildings and construction stupid mistakes make us doubt the mental capacity to perpetrators
Private buildings and construction stupid mistakes make us doubt the mental capacity to perpetrators

Graduating each year thousands of Faculty of Engineering and begin the journey of their careers in terms of design and construction. What we see around us of reconstruction and construction of buildings and came out of the minds of these skilled engineers experienced this course of study in colleges and supposed to do. On the other side there are some people who Duds Nzboa unjustly engineers to class and shared designs silly and even stupid erections often, and perhaps many of us may have encountered a building or design or create a stupid idea or illogical design! Every time you see where such constructions, the first thing you think of is that the person who designed and built and how stated him to do so from the ground up! We'll show you examples of some of the absurd constructions as well as some silly behavior in the world of construction and construction, which makes us wonder who Qmwa out!

vendredi 3 mars 2017

10 commercials silent with innovative ideas deserve respect

Smart ideas used by some international companies to advertise their products

Who among us has not seen the marketing ads, whether on television or the Internet, or even on the roadside while traveling! Of course, no one can deny that this propaganda very important role in influencing the consumer to convince him to buy the product. The companies are racing to advertise their product in an attractive and unconventional ideas because the consumer may return the vernacular methods was not necessary to invent new methods to flatten his attention. Some companies apply the silent advertising campaigns but influential and creative, such as those that will see in this issue, where companies relied on the idea of ​​marketing to attract the consumer Slatha new idea. See these attempts and judge for yourself.

10 images show how photographers get the amazing photos smart and very simple ways

Photos show the simplicity of photography

10 images show how photographers get the amazing photos smart and very simple ways
10 images show how photographers get the amazing photos smart and very simple ways

See all photos and wonder how it was filmed these images are excellent manner, but in conditions that seem impossible and imagine that they spend a lot of money and effort to capture these images but the truth is that they are working intelligently Viltqton better pictures without even spending a penny in some cases. We will show you examples of some of the photographs, which show that the paparazzi no limit to the creativity and the exploitation of the surrounding circumstances to bring out the best image of the lowest cost.

jeudi 2 mars 2017

10 strange coincidence of similarities between the appearance of some of the people and other things funny

Images of similar things make us wonder about his appearance is best

Since we were young they compare between us and other people or other things. For example, they compare between you look and feel your brother or your sister when Tertdon similar things. Not only this, but they sometimes compare between you and Freezers or things like when you're wearing a T-shirt funny colors were telling you, "You look like the carpet in this funny clothes." It's not finished when we grew up, but that such ridiculous comparisons continued with us and Ahaktna to this day. In this issue we'll show you some of the funny things is fantastic comparisons did not expect to be proficient similarities between them to such a degree.