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samedi 25 février 2017

10 important guidance in times of danger that could save your life someday not neglected

The task of tricks to deal in the positions of danger

10 important guidance in times of danger that could save your life someday not neglected
10 important guidance in times of danger that could save your life someday not neglected

Human exposed almost daily to many serious and that may amount to a threat to life or safety and health of things and this is a natural thing to a certain extent, there is no safe place hundred percent can not be for a person to give itself completely free of risk environment, but what we can do is to trying to minimize these risks as much as possible and also try to avoid falling into situations that may cause us to danger and threaten our safety. We have put together for you some of the tricks and ideas that must be followed in order to avoid and reduce the likelihood of exposure to risk, which may harm you directly. Follow these tips and guidelines, and other even yourself to avoid the consequences of hazards, God forbid.

samedi 4 février 2017

This is the secret behind the seats adjust the plane vertically during take-off and landing

Have you ever wondered why airline seats should be in an upright position during take-off ?

This is the secret behind the seats adjust the plane vertically during take-off and landing
This is the secret behind the seats adjust the plane vertically during take-off and landing

Most of us boarded the plane even for one at least once and is always some instructions directing the first flight of a crew like putting the seat in the rectum situation during take-off and during landing, but did you ever wondered why ask us to that ?!
If you were not been installed plane before you'll also need to know this information so as to be in a state of readiness when Ahudt anything (God forbid), and from this information that the closure of the seats only works if the seats in the upright locking mechanism, and also put the seats in this situation allows space for passengers who sit behind you to get out of their seats faster in case of emergency, and also there are a lot of other information that you should know, just continue reading until you have a full awareness of when boarding the plane again.

vendredi 3 février 2017

Pictures: people have turned the forms found in the streets to an amazing and funny works of art

People added artistic touch on the things that are on the street and have perfected the art of the streets

Pictures: people have turned the forms found in the streets to an amazing and funny works of art
Pictures: people have turned the forms found in the streets to an amazing and funny works of art

No limits to the human imagination, which is positioned to invent new things. If we mentioned the imagination, of course, we have to mention people with artistic sense because they are mostly more people imagination owners. Some of these people the technical abilities in the streets decorate and give new graphics inspired imagination took advantage of taking advantage of the circumstances surrounding that helped them take out technical Thvhm the best possible way, and some of these works of art made by people in the streets in their cities.

Pictures: 10 funny and cynical attitudes have spread in the last period on the Internet

Photo funny moments experienced by some people around the world

Pictures: 10 funny and cynical attitudes have spread in the last period on the Internet
Pictures: 10 funny and cynical attitudes have spread in the last period on the Internet

We can not imagine our lives without the presence of joyful laughter and attitudes that we are experiencing in our workers, so it is creative in humans inventing funny things to bring happiness to balance the hardships of life and its troubles so that we can continue our lives together with its good and hard. These are some situations in which we hope to enter pleasing to your hearts, and that paint a smile on their faces because of the element of humor found and shared by some of the people with us.

Pictures: Celebrities from different eras, but they are alike as if they were twins

Celebrities are like the people from the past in support of the theory of "creating a resemblance to forty"

Do you look like your father or your mother or anyone in your family? If the answer is yes, this is quite normal and nothing surprising or confusing. But what if I told you that you look like someone who lived in the era of the pharaohs or famous people have no connection between you and him of any kind! Will surely be surprised and perplexing to have this matter. After all, this thing has already happened to some celebrities, where we have found that there are people celebrities including decades, but they are alike scary to the point might make you suspect that among them relatives, or they may have traveled through time and perhaps relieve your mind as soon as you say that (creates resemblance Forty)! Here's some of these similarities bizarre and erotic puzzled.